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Apparently complaining a bunch about sweeps-only communities sometimes works!


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Just thought I'd mention, cause it's pretty nifty - I've said I'm ok with smaller communities only giving out "raffle tickets", as long as the sweepstakes are often enough and award decent cash prizes, since you're competing in a much smaller pool of potential winners... still, guaranteed smaller bonuses are clearly, obviously, better. A few weeks ago, one invite-only community I'd been part of for months announced that, due to frequent requests, they were switching from the former to the latter. I mention this because I got an email a few minutes ago from another, unrelated invite-only community, announcing the same thing, for the same reason.

So the moral of the story is, if GTM or someone like that keeps doing things you hate, well, they probably don't care and won't change - but if a smaller invite-only site does something you don't like, you should probably tell them, because if everyone else does too, unlike GTM et al, those smaller sites might actually listen and change their ways. :)

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