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If I see "Intergrity "one more time- most hated survey


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I think I'm gonna scream.Three times in 1 week at 3 different survey sites is too, too much.I think that is my most hated survey right now.This survey has been floating for years I see no reason to take it,wish someone would get all their info and be done with it already.Sorry venting is good.

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Weird. I've never seen an "intergrity" survey - I'll have to keep an eye out for it now (so I can avoid it, like I already automatically avoid anything by ugam or opco). 

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If it the same one I see at least twice a week on mysurvey , same feelings. That one starts off having you fill-in your 1st name and some demographic data , then proceeds to asking what appliances and electronics you have , when you got them , and when you are planning on buying them. I believe it is from GTM. How often do they need to ask the same things and how often do they think people buy things??


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6 hours ago, episemion said:

If it the same one I see at least twice a week on MySurvey , same feelings. That one starts off having you fill-in your 1st name and some demographic data , then proceeds to asking what appliances and electronics you have , when you got them , and when you are planning on buying them. I believe it is from GTM. How often do they need to ask the same things and how often do they think people buy things??


It's been around for at least 2 to 3 years.It has to be the most annoying survey of all time for me.

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