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Society and Culture Questionnaire – Dress Codes & Gender Expression


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Hello, I am a Society and Culture student currently conducting my year 12 major work investigating the way in which dress codes are used as a force of gender oppression within schools.

I am interested in gaining some primary research through a questionnaire. The questionnaire should take no longer than 10 minutes and the responses will remain anonymous as the results of this study will be used only for scholarly purposes.

The questionnaire can be accessed through copy-and-paste of the following link:https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=J-YznEDEv0iO_gkd0UnzK1RW9eOBrcNFm5rS9Ysd9jBUNlgzVFJJUk1BRElaQUVYUzgxV1BVVkdMMi4u

I would greatly appreciate if the questionnaire could be distributed and completed!

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