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I'm leaving it forever, I'm so burned out and sick of this ( long post )


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I've been at this since 2011. I have seen the absolute decline year after year of the surveys, from those dates until more or less mid-2016 it was still worth a bit because they paid for the theme and the time invested, examples:


automotive 30 minutes $2.70
business and employment 15 minutes: $1.40
toys 8 minutes: 0.7 $


Before this was the case, and the time was as promised, I worked on individual panels and researchers in speak up and they did not lie, a considerable number of them were approved, let's say around 65% in your favor with a typical average consumer profile. No weird errors beyond failing disqualifications or some other excuse for not paying in the ending but...


The years went by and the surveys became more and more elaborate (which seems perfect to me, but pays more) but what? the payments went down and down, and more and more laborious and tedious, and the payments lower. Today this cannot be called more than:


exploitation, dishonor, that they laugh in your face, and last but not least, that on many occasions you work for them for free-> errors, full quotas, crashes in endings, ''slow loads'' of the web in endings etc etc.. all exclusively to avoid paying very abusive very abusive all this. It has reached the point that this is decadence and one of the most used things to the need of the people that I have seen in life


To this day it is just a bad joke, I will not name the pages but this is the situation in all of them:


page 1: guess one that works with '' trustscore '' they pay me each study at $0.03 amazing... they ''promise'' to raise payments when the trust score is 9000 to reach the minimum payment of $15 I will have turned around to the world 5 times and I will comb gray hair and wrinkles. this has no name. Let's continue with page number 2:


page 2: at most they pay me $1.25 remuneration (surveys of 2 and a half hours or more) this in the best of cases, the rest is usually surveys of 20 - 25 real minutes at 0.25 - 0.5


page 3: tests page: point number 1 they never notify me by mail and I have everything activated so that they arrive quickly and they send me the maximum number. I always leave the web open and update the page in search of tests because they never reach me by email, when I finally manage to find one recently released on the web page (from 1 to 3 a month if you find them available and thank you) but guess what: After a minute there are no places, in the middle of the test seats are full, etc. Out of 3, 1 is completed, hopefully if you enter after 5 seconds. it's amazing.


Page 4: a page that was directly closed by soulless people and they don't care completely the same: half-hour surveys at a maximum of 50 cents and all kinds of excuses in the endings for not paying once after another after another. the fourth time closed.


page 5: a website that pays at 3,000 points and at 5,000 points for amazon or transfer. First, the minimum payment is outrageous and crazy, taking into account and in the case of each tedious and excessively long study, they will pay you at most 0.25 to 0.5 $ and with great luck you have 2 to 4 surveys a month, you feel obligated to withdraw $50 (5,000 points) because the withdrawal of $3,000 fools us and takes us for ..... 3,000 points is $30, not $25, you work for them for free no less than 20% of the withdrawal.


page 6: it starts with ip and ends with say the surveys here there is no where to take them anymore, there are pages where you have to choose in columns and columns followed by up to 30 categories, 90% are already like this on all websites, on all, but here if they can abuse more, and everything for 0.45 - 0.6 to see more than that amount is very rare.


page 7: everything related to Cint in general. these do not go too far with the abuse in the duration and the elaboration of the surveys, however the payments already leave a lot to be desired: 0.4 - 0.6 - 0.9 <- 0.9 a tedious and punishing survey. but what is it?  what is this ?


page 8: these usually pay well for surveys and do not abuse like the rest, this page is saved. They usually pay me an average of 2 to 2.5 dollars per study and as far as I remember I have always seen surveys here of the same level and for the same remuneration: here you can think this is really the one that is worth, well no, there are hardly any prizes, they are all digital prizes, there is nowhere to withdraw physical money...


but the price and duration and elaboration of the survey more or less well (sometimes there are punishing and very long surveys too) but at least you make sure what should be 3 fixed dollars) what I don't like at all-> these same ones launch surveys in researchers and there they pay them at 0.7 at most. therefore reliability and reputation very doubtful. Also another bad thing is that you can spend a lot of time without any surveys (2 - 3 months) or do 6 in a month for months in a row.. lol


web number 9, 10 and 11: here I put them all together, they work with points and you can get to withdraw gift cards, these webs I will only say that they take advantage and make fun of everything, sometimes they pay you 10 points for tedious surveys and others to compensate, more reasonable surveys (also tedious almost at the same level we are going to put) they pay you 24 points to compensate? then you go to the store and everything is worth a lot of points, you literally do 150 surveys (most of them are very heavy) or more to pick up something worthy


extra notes to watch out for and don'ts: routers in fc: cpx, inbrain, pollfish, tap, bitlabs: this is by far the worst..........and......... ... and ........... that I have ever seen. Don't do anything here please, I don't recommend it.


more notes: the problems of not qualifying in the profiles are normal, that's normal, the problems of full quotas before starting or just when starting preliminaries are "normal" now it bothers him a lot and my blood boils is: " quote filled '' on completion <- excuses, error or you didn't pass on completion <- excuses, any other made-up errors <- excuses ''thank you for completing surveys'' <- no redirect excuses, any other errors and final screen like , charging times, lack of links etc... are made for purposes so as not to pay <- excuses. All of this has been implemented more and more and more for the last 6 or 7 years.


More notes: the duration and the elaboration are fed up to the user, I am gambling money that most of the people answer without looking and click anything doing time. it's completely normal. You try to be honest but you've been here for 10 minutes and you're starting to get tired, you've been here for 20 and you can't take it anymore, you want to end the ordeal, don't worry... there's still 1 hour left... they seem like biological science books instead of surveys


irony and sarcasm, I don't know whether to laugh or cry when I read these messages: they want you to answer well and slowly, however they lie about the duration and complexity of the studies, ignoring the payment that are peanuts and sometimes 1 pipe without salt: You ask for a lot and offer little. but huh? They demand quality answers, gold jobs paid to the slave owner of the coal mine. I quit forever, I'm burnt from being a fairground monkey


Surely I left things unanswered, any questions of yours or reflection please write. thank you. 


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I have been doing surveys since 2016. I have by now come to the conclusion that 99% of all survey writers are dishonest, illogical, and actually insane.

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On 5/3/2023 at 12:56 PM, lavarmc said:

More notes: the duration and the elaboration are fed up to the user, I am gambling money that most of the people answer without looking and click anything doing time. it's completely normal. You try to be honest but you've been here for 10 minutes and you're starting to get tired, you've been here for 20 and you can't take it anymore, you want to end the ordeal, don't worry... there's still 1 hour left... they seem like biological science books instead of surveys

This was by far the best part of your post!  I can totally relate.  Some of the longer more tedious surveys can really wear you down.  Like those ones with all the rows of radio buttons.  Sometimes I have to just get up and walk away for a bit...but not too long or they'll screen you out.  Unfortunately, the pattern you have been seeing with the decline in pay and survey quality I have been aware of too.  I started in 2016 and it's pretty much gone downhill. I've lost count of all the ones that have come and gone.  Some I signed up with again and it was great for awhile, but then it collapses again. I'm down to just a handful of survey sites, it's gotten so bad.  I'm really sorry to hear you are leaving the survey world, but I don't blame you. Recently, I've been dabbling more into user testing panels.   So far it seems more promising and the compensation pays better than surveys.  I look at it as another form of supplemental income.  

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There are still survey sites that are consistantly good and pay you for your time fairly, therefore I would not say "All". For example, I never had any problem with Prolific, Connect Cloud Research, Fortrite, or Paidviewpoint. Furthermore, I still love Fetch and Receipt Hog for their giftcards. I recently enjoyed $10 off Cheesecake Factory and Applebees with Fetch redemptions. But, I do agree dropping those survey sites that are toxic and dishonest is a great idea. 

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17 hours ago, jipsyjo30 said:

¡Esta fue, con mucho, la mejor parte de tu publicación! Puedo relacionarme totalmente. Algunas de las encuestas más largas y tediosas realmente pueden desgastarlo. Como esos que tienen todas las filas de botones de opción. A veces tengo que levantarme y alejarme un rato... pero no demasiado o te excluirán. Desafortunadamente, el patrón que ha estado viendo con la disminución en el pago y la calidad de las encuestas también lo conozco. Empecé en 2016 y prácticamente ha ido cuesta abajo. He perdido la cuenta de todos los que han ido y venido. Con algunos me registré nuevamente y fue genial por un tiempo, pero luego colapsa nuevamente. Solo tengo un puñado de sitios de encuestas, se ha vuelto tan malo. Lamento mucho saber que dejarás el mundo de las encuestas, pero no te culpo. Recientemente, he estado incursionando más en los paneles de prueba de usuarios. Hasta ahora parece más prometedor y la compensación paga mejor que las encuestas. Lo veo como otra forma de ingresos complementarios.  


Note that I wrote the publication reluctantly, furious and fed up, from here I forgive everyone if there are misspelled punctuation marks or separate. but the fact that I wrote a lot of it does not take away from the reality of the users (not the reality of the sector, do not confuse, the survey sector continues better than ever, an average of 3-4 can easily reach me a day), even so ...some notes and reflections on your text, you said: With some I registered again and it was great for a while.

* This makes me laugh since in many places and for a long time I have had to go through what I call phases: when you are about to reach the prize by magic and by the work of the desert, do the polls disappear? or they give them to account drops. I checked this for a long time. When I reached a real money exchange and yet I didn't withdraw it the first few times, they kept sending me a good weekly average, and after the withdrawal they closed the faucet completely again.

point 2: I do not understand at all the surveys that seek an annual profile of 80 - 100k, executives belonging to the IT sector, nor the surveys that ask for marketing profiles (they do exist) I bet that nobody in their right mind who charges 100k annually (in my country, earning that per year is kissing the saint) I would be wasting my time filling out tedious and punishing questionnaires for $1. Please stop ........... and just launch logical consumer surveys. what mania and obsession they have with knowing about their work environment...

Point 3: I also don't understand at all after 12 years doing surveys some trick questions in the preliminaries example:

When did you register your car?


leaving you the possibility of marking several options, there are certain types of surveys that the client only looks for a type of profile to fit into, however sometimes they are questions that should be easily accessible or should not be provided at all when this and that and guess what, More than 90% of this type of foreplay that I only get through a specific answer throws me out immediately, it doesn't matter what I choose (only 1 is worth)

However, they leave you the option to mark more, and you will never know, the most logical thing would be to have a car between the years 21 and 23 but hahaha - we are not fortune tellers, and maybe they want a 2017 car because the survey will deal with the second hand for example... (without previous clues) that bothers me a lot and in the end I left them as impossible.

Last point, you comment-> I've been dabbling more in user testing panels. So far it looks more promising and the compensation pays better than the surveys.

* This is false, I can assure you, the average equivalence is the same and an example is even worse: the studies that you comment on (online communities) or weekly homework (writing a diary) are barely released annually (I can count them on one hand and I have plenty of those that pay well) another piece of information

most of them want videoconference or joint participation with other users (please release the terms and conditions) they have the right to request a webcam, geolocations, and even the size of your feet, however they are within the framework of the legal and privacy doing it, to this you also have to think if it is fair and moral to offer->

study with webcam in online community for 1 week = €10 in amazon checks

the next day: studio with webcam for the price of 0.6 $ .. sorry ?¿?¿

Sometimes, only sometimes, 1 or 2 times a year with precision I dare to assure that they launch studies "more or less paid reasonably well" example:

videoconference of 2 to 3 hours on consumption-> 45$

1-hour workplace survey (they promise 1 exact hour) and in these before they used to lie = $30

I have come to see some annual study (in person and online) about the happy work and capital of a person for more than 80 dollars between 80 and 90 minutes. now calculate your and calculate what they can collect for a common demander and assiduous to launch surveys. They do not pay us even 10% being very generous of what they collect (and it will not be by people) because most complete this in routers, not in individual panels, the general treatment has declined and also the monetary treatment to the refillers, but not the sector, I am sure that the sector is great. better than previous years.

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I've cut WAY back on survey taking as I am so disgusted with being treated like dirt. I relate to a lot of what you say.

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Hace 53 minutos, Njsurveyman dijo:

Todavía hay sitios de encuestas que son consistentemente buenos y le pagan por su tiempo de manera justa, por lo tanto, no dirían "Todos". Por ejemplo, nunca tuve ningún problema con Prolific , Connect Cloud Research, Fortrite o Paidviewpoint . Además, todavía me encanta Fetch and Receipt Hog por sus tarjetas de regalo. Recientemente disfruté $10 de descuento en Cheesecake Factory y Applebees con canjes de Fetch. Pero estoy de acuerdo en que abandono esos sitios de encuestas que son tóxicos y deshonestos es una gran idea. 


Hola, no hablo inglés y no vivo en el Reino Unido o los EE. UU., no sé si leyeron mi publicación o entendieron las críticas que básicamente se reducen al hecho de que es explotación, yo Soy bastante dudoso que a los nativos de vuestros países les paguen más de lo que me pagan a mí por cursar estudios, lo más lógico y seguro es que la variación de precios debe estar relacionada con la socioeconomía del país. De todos esos sitios que has mencionado yo solo estaba en Paidview, hay otros que por mi pais de residencia ni siquiera me dejaban registrarme, lo que veo lógico, respecto a PaidView:

* ¿ Te parece bien que una web se pase meses y meses y meses pagándote 0,03 por encuestas que te suban un ''trustscore'' que ni siquiera sabes si rellenando esa barra por completo van a lanzar su estudios propios o de terceros (elaboración de empresas temáticas o extranjeras. No estudios de relleno 0,03 como me hacen ahora) o que van a ser los mismos estudios 0,03 pagados a 0,2? 0.3? debido a la puntuación de confianza, ¿entiendes? Perdón por la palabra, esto me parece completamente una broma y que me señalen con el dedo mientras se ríen en mi cara, no es que el tiempo invertido haya valido la pena en "paidview" porque ha pagado entre poco y nada. pero directamente estaba perdiendo el tiempo en la basura, en 57 dias llegué a la asombrosa cifra de 1.80 asombrosa, asombrosa. Que agradable...

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6 minutes ago, Sandy21 said:

He reducido MUCHO las encuestas porque estoy muy disgustado de que me traten como basura. Me identifico con mucho de lo que dices.

I have left everything since I wrote the post and I no longer plan to return to them, they will never lack people to take advantage of and fill all the rows that are proposed, there is no doubt about it. Sometimes I look at the notifications in the mail and I feel the absurd temptation to open one, but then I see: 12 minutes at 0.25 - 0.37 $ (which actually honestly, making it honestly sure that it is 26 minutes like 98% of them) then inside it that I will find 24 columns with 24 page after page classifications, and paragraphs as long as the ones I am writing and I start to sweat, I get angry and I close it all pitifully thinking about what it could be and it is not because they want it that way:(

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Possibly one day this post will be deleted due to censorship, as the panelists also do, excluding in many ways, think about the processes and the general media. Ironic and very hypocritical coming from a sector that... when unknown promises freedom and free opinion... that however. When you are already a professional filling in, you realize that everything is scheduled, that they only want you to mark the answers X - X - Y - B if you don't go to the street, if they don't like you, they say: oh! ! You must wait a TIME to fill out a study


sorry ? Have you magically analyzed my reading skills? It's all really ridiculous, if you answer something that on average is 10m? there is no way to measure, 10 minutes for whom? for a CI 63 and for a CI 120? ooh!! Excuse me, it's been 6 minutes... your answers are ''not of quality'' anymore, you are disqualified, however, I have filled out the questionnaire and guess what? very possibly, 100% I dare to assure without failure, they have collected my data by face, result = they have taken my opinion by face under the pretext of a cheap excuse


the rewards on most of these sites are complete laughter: cards from places nobody wants, GIVE ME CASH, I don't want cards nobody wants or will use, GIVE ME CASH for food and my things I need, I don't want minimum withdrawals of 30 dollars, Put a real and complacent incentive, so that the user feels comfortable seeing that he reaches the goal, for example: 5 dollars, transfer or bank method.


Another very important thing that many of you are unaware of. In the polls they obviously want and demand that you LIE to fit in with them. I will tell you a great truth: if you are over 40 years old and live in a place where Jesus Christ lost his cane, practically nothing will reach your mail. Now you think about it. Is that a sector and a reliable business for the audience?


that is exclusion and elitism, to choose, always choose an average between 25 and 36 years old, who work and earn an average income of more than 40k per year, to be honest, in few countries people earn an average net income of more than €16,000 per year, after taxes and tax returns. it's completely a joke. so what? because if they are only looking for rich IT and executives, a bill gates of life, to pay something more a frustrating and hateful questionnaire... rich that surely they will not find on the street in their entire lives, better close the market and not seek opinions from anyone.


So where is the freedom of expression? Where is the promise and the slogan? -> Earn money quickly and easily

sorry ?  easy ?  fast ? Anyone who does this can sign here and now even with a blindfold, because there is nothing easy and fast


more than some should know: these companies are not naive at all, if someone for whatever reason fills out questionnaires by proxy / vpn or is on more than one panel of the same company, they will get caught, and if you don't, if you are honest like most, they will catch you anyway: you cannot be in more than one place managed by the same company because in some absurd way they consider it abuse and that you are not honest and loyal, always the first place you registered and in which you were most active you will be assigned X work. the rest forget.


More important things you should know that from now on will play against you: now the data collection is more focused and measured towards a trustscore (as in paidviewpoints) and your answers in each study are collected by hand, this means that the subsequent studies that you will receive will not be so focused on the accuracy of your consumer profile but on your previous answers in other questionnaires, with that they already have your closeness and affinity to know if you will answer the same, in short: you will have to act as a robot because if Until now they were already difficult, now with 2 or 3 answers they can already consider that you are lying.


more things that you should know but that you will never know (curious): there are pages that perhaps you have completed a monthly average of 11 surveys for 2 months but the next 2 months you will complete 3 in total: This may be due to what I call cycles ( beginning of the post) or point number 2: it may be because you have been excluded from the panel (you will never know this)


There are people who say that they are kicked out of the panel and banned (with messages from the company) and there are other people who never receive surveys again (that is, they are banned, but nothing has been done to their account)


last point. if you know what you are really doing on these pages->stay away from health surveys about cancer and terminal illnesses

By far, they are the cruelest and most dismissive surveys I have ever seen, they ask about you or a close relative for more than 40 minutes in the middle of a terminal illness or at the end of your days with absurdly uncomfortable questions that border on crying and extreme depression (they warn that it will be a hard survey) but it is not hard, 5 states are passed... and all for 2 or 3 dollars? stay strong and do not accept, it is a humiliation towards human morality.


with all this he wanted there to be an impact and above all for the reader to feel identified, I am sure that many veteran people who have spent a long time doing this think many of these things inside but have never expressed them, out of fear, or because they don't know who to tell them.



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On 5/4/2023 at 5:19 PM, jipsyjo30 said:

This was by far the best part of your post!  I can totally relate.  Some of the longer more tedious surveys can really wear you down.  Like those ones with all the rows of radio buttons.  Sometimes I have to just get up and walk away for a bit...but not too long or they'll screen you out.  Unfortunately, the pattern you have been seeing with the decline in pay and survey quality I have been aware of too.  I started in 2016 and it's pretty much gone downhill. I've lost count of all the ones that have come and gone.  Some I signed up with again and it was great for awhile, but then it collapses again. I'm down to just a handful of survey sites, it's gotten so bad.  I'm really sorry to hear you are leaving the survey world, but I don't blame you. Recently, I've been dabbling more into user testing panels.   So far it seems more promising and the compensation pays better than surveys.  I look at it as another form of supplemental income.  

I thought it was just me that felt like this..

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On 12/5/2023 at 21:05, Mommabear said:

Pensé que solo yo me sentía así...


In fact, they know perfectly well what they are doing and if they were not under a company commitment they would sign the veracity of this post:

In practically any gpt you can see 20-minute surveys paid for less than $0.25. They know that the quality of common answers are invented and marked in a hurry, they know this, to third-party companies (researchers) that work with businesses or clients they don't give a damn because they are mediators and they don't care about the results, however those who work from their own panels and they are their own developers take it more seriously but, they also don't care, as long as they get their good share of the dessert .

what do they expect? Would the consumer ''be honest and take their time''? don't make me laugh, people don't waste time 1 average hour of their life for a hateful study for the price of a sad peanut, people really in need will continue to do it for that price and even less, less price with more fury and quickly hit the keyboard or the screen of the iphone.

Now, does market research publish analysis of "suspicious" general audiences? don't blame the consumer, offer what you pay for, not a whip on the leg.

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Por cierto, un dato muy interesante que se me olvidó por si un nuevo usuario que ha iniciado o quiere iniciar y se pregunta… ¿cuánto dinero puedo ganar con esto al mes? Te puedo dar una experiencia extrema de mi caso:

registrados en 12 paneles propios, con un perfil demográfico real de ciudad popular de más de 3 millones de habitantes, un perfil de consumidor medio - medio alto, un perfil normal vaya <- decir que en todo este tiempo lo máximo he sacado en un mes ha sido alrededor de $ 274 eso es todo, pero ¡cuidado! $274, el mejor mes en 11 AÑOS, pasar 16 horas al día con las páginas abiertas en el iPhone - Android, con tiempo libre debido a mi puesto de trabajo para vigilar (trabajo de oficina sin apenas gerentes a cargo) acostumbrarme la idea de que "vivir de esto" es imposible, hice f5 en 12 paginas cada media hora (las sincronizaciones en el correo de estos impresentables hacen lo que quieren) no confíes en los correos, lo mejor es f5 en app o en tu marcadores de móvil, en el correo algunos te los dan con cupo lleno cuando te avisan.

y ojo, gane el ratio mensual de 60 a 130 en estas condiciones teniendo en cuenta una precisión del 85% o más, o sea, jajaja por favor piense en esto... ahora tome en cuenta los estudios que no me han pagado por un full fee, descalificar, 'errores', si me pongo a contar todos los que me han quitado de la cara, puedo asegurar perfectamente más de $700 en deuda que jamás oleré. especialmente del viejo Clixsense.

El promedio mensual estuvo entre un rango de -> 60 a 130 $ siendo generoso (no olvides 16 horas al día estando pendiente cada 30 minutos) esto sin contar los estudios anuales que pagan más (webcam o estudios comunitarios colaborativos) que contaban además, porque eso no es común que salga o se pague en efectivo, se pueden contar con los dedos de una mano los que se reciben al año.

Además, otro dato hecho con mucha maldad y del que nadie se enamora es -> los tiempos en los que se lanzan estos cuestionarios: recuerdo temporadas enteras y enteras de lanzamiento de mis estudios SIEMPRE, SIEMPRE en momentos clave cuando la gente está ocupada -> hora del almuerzo, hora del almuerzo, justo antes del trabajo, en medio del trabajo, después del descanso, a la hora de la cena, o durante las horas muertas durante la semana, horas muertas que coinciden cuando las personas están ocupadas, es el sector diseñado para Tirar fichas el prototipo de consumidor mayor o jubilado (la persona que tiene todo el tiempo libre del mundo) es irónico ya que pocas o ninguna persona mayor de 60 años puede acceder a suplir en la práctica.

Sin olvidar que el 95% siempre me ha venido entre semana, entre semana y entre semana, cuando la gente está ocupada, cuando la mayoría no puede seguir el ritmo, y ¡ay! Perdona, he llegado 5 minutos tarde, ya estás fuera, el estudio llegó a cotizar, muy pocas veces he encontrado actividad lógica y sería en fin de semana, muy pocas, muy curiosa, ¿no? Porque lo aceptable y lo que le gustaría a la mayoría sería hacerlos el sábado por la tarde y el domingo libre, cuando tienes todo el tiempo libre del mundo, entonces deberían lanzarse todos a la vez.

It's a complete show of contradictions in many aspects, they look for people who work full time (people who don't have time for this) to launch a freshly cooked quiz just 3 minutes after breakfast time and you have to work... it's amazing




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I totally understand dropping all of those survey sites that only pay you pennies for 10 - 15 min of your time. But, again, the OP is acting as if EVERY survey site out there is like that, which is far from true. 

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On 5/5/2023 at 10:50 AM, Njsurveyman said:

There are still survey sites that are consistantly good and pay you for your time fairly, therefore I would not say "All". For example, I never had any problem with Prolific, Connect Cloud Research, Fortrite, or Paidviewpoint. Furthermore, I still love Fetch and Receipt Hog for their giftcards. I recently enjoyed $10 off Cheesecake Factory and Applebees with Fetch redemptions. But, I do agree dropping those survey sites that are toxic and dishonest is a great idea. 

Paid Viewpoint is the only one I trust. I pray they never change


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8 hours ago, Njsurveyman said:

I totally understand dropping all of those survey sites that only pay you pennies for 10 - 15 min of your time. But, again, the OP is acting as if EVERY survey site out there is like that, which is far from true. 

Agree. There are still sites that pay properly and well.

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