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Introducing SurveyPolice Pick-A-Perk!


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We're very excited to announce the release of SurveyPolice Pick-A-Perk!

Search SurveyPolice for survey panels by reward type (PayPal, Amazon gift cards, Visa pre-paid cards, etc.) as well as the type of research you'd like to participate in (online surveys, product testing, etc.).

No need to waste time trying to find new survey panels that offer the rewards and research that you want to do! Pick-A-Perk does all the work!

Tip! For all of you advanced users here in the forum, Pick-A-Perk allows you to find survey panels that do not offer points systems. Simply uncheck the box on the bottom right hand corner of the page.

We hope you enjoy using this new addition to SurveyPolice. :D:D:D



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I love this new feature! And it's so easy to click on there and put in the information to let you know! Thanks! Just keeps getting better! :D

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