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  2. ConnecticutMarc

    Problem Cashing Out on Clear View

    The thieves don't want to pay you. It's that simple.
  3. I have been doing surveys since 2016 and am now at the point where I can no longer take their babbling, their repetition, their dishonesty and their inconsistencies. And now they have a new game......ambiguous, misleading and confusing instructions. A few minutes ago, I had to dump a survey because the directions were pure gibberish. I don't know how the mental cripples that write surveys expect to get any useful information from them, given all the stupidity that they spew out!!!!
  4. Yesterday
  5. Sure have, repeatedly
  6. Have you checked your SPAM folder??
  7. I finally achieved the $10 level and cashed out for an Amazon GC a few hours ago. After doing so I was told that an email was sent to my email address with the Amazon code. I waited an hour, nothing arrived. I went back on their site and saw I could have the email resent so I did that. Still no email has arrived. It is now 4 hours since I cashed out and have not gotten an email with the redemption code. I sent a request to customer service explaining my problem. I am wondering if this is a common problem with Clear View or if it has just randomly happened to me. Also, how long does it take for CS to respond or do they respond at all? Thanks for any feedback you might be able to give me.
  8. As long as they get the info THEY want.. notice most of the time, that is in the beginning..
  9. Useless

    CrowdTap- No Good

    People are more savvy taking surveys than they used to be and they won't put up with crap long before quitting a site. Sites shouldn't be kicking anybody off because they should be having a harder time keeping people.
  10. I just finished a survey on where I shopped, what kind of things I bought, and how much I spent during the last week. The last five times I've done it, it waits until the end to disqualify me. I'm not doing that one again, and I used to like it. I don't know what the problem is.
  11. I have been kicked out of surveys for taking too long, which is ridiculous as we all have our own speed. Same with taking too short of a time. Some people are faster and some are slower. We should not be dumped because a company says it should take 15 minutes for a survey and we finish it in 10 minutes. NOR should we be dumped if we take 20 minutes to take what they say is a ten minute survey. QUALITY of our answers doesn't count which is a shame. Then again, maybe this whole time thing is just a ploy, a way NOT to pay us. Who knows! Whatever it is, it is disgusting!
  12. episemion

    Prime Opinion Leaderboard

    Just joined Prime Opinion 8 days ago. Noticed that the leaderboard reset early this morning and within 2 hours there were users with hundreds of points. Seems questionable as my points reset as well and after a couple of hours doing surveys , I only had 84 points.
  13. i just had that happen to me on 4 surveys today. i believe it is a lot to do with the timing of the survey. on some sites, they say how long the survey should take and if you finish before that time, you will get disqualified. there was one today that said it should take 15 minutes. i was laboriously slow, and it only took me 10, i got a thank you for taking our survey and then i was disqualified.
  14. IMHO.....I think that the liars that do that want your opinion, and then do not want to pay you for your time & work.
  15. I have given up contacting customer service as it is a big waste of time, as you said. I've never gotten any partial credit and often I don't even get a response at all. Not worth keeping track of and wasting even more time. I KNOW that is what these sites want you to do, NOT contact them and NOT keep track so that they can get away with these cheating behaviors over and over again. Guess I am falling into their trap but I truly have had it with their excuses, non-responses, and total lies. Sorry, it's been a long day and I am tired and disgusted. You are so correct about spelling errors.as well as off-topic questions. I was attempting to take a survey on soft drinks today and they started asking me about what kind of car I drove! Talk about off-topic!! =====
  16. Last week
  17. If you contact the survey site, they will always tell you they have no control over it and also tell you they don't get paid either but they are so big hearted they will partially credit you. Also, I have seen more and spelling errors coming from their end. There was even a survey that asked about deodorant but the questions of choices had nothing to do with the subject
  18. Yes. Have seen that on several sites. Recently had a 20 minute survey that ended with a "survey completed" screen through Prime Opinion , but upon returning to home base , was greeted by a message I did not qualify. Not good!
  19. This has ALWAYS been a problem, but it seems to me it is so much worse now. I just took 4 surveys in a row, wasted an hour of time and got that message " Sorry, you do not qualify for this survey" after successfully completing the survey. This was on three different sites too. Are you running into this more and more often as I am? VERY FRUSTRATING and a total rip off to boot!
  20. Looks like I'm all set at prime Opinion. No further issues.
  21. But it require a mobile phone. I couldn't even figure out their complicated process.
  22. Valued Opinion will not let you cash out unless you submit an ID. I've heard of people who submitted an ID when it was required, but covered everything up other than their face and name, and it got accepted.
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