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  1. Today
  2. rosiesmom

    Yougov Plus

    There is no way I am giving out my driver's license # to them. No explanation of how any info will be used and what the heck this "plus" is better than what I have now. Just weird how it was presented.
  3. Yesterday
  4. I had 3 emails from them but there were no surveys on my dashboard I also check many times during the day very few surveys
  5. Had 6 there today 5 were closed and the 6th I DQed.
  6. NFriday

    Yougov Plus

    I have not gotten that one either. I just completed a 250 point survey with them. I have a long way to go before I can cash out.
  7. I got an email from Lifepoints today that says that tomorrow only, if you do any surveys with them, they will give you 50% more points for doing a survey. The max you get the bonus points is three surveys. I just had four surveys on my board today, and three of them were closed, and the one I completed was worth 100 points. I would be really surprised if I get three surveys to do tomorrow.
  8. Sandy21

    Anybody ever eligible for Samplicio surveys?

    Almost never and IF I supposedly qualify I am soon screened out.
  9. Sandy21

    Yougov Plus

    Hmmm, seems rather strange to me. No, did not get such an invitation and you are smart to be cautious!
  10. jipsyjo30

    Anybody ever eligible for Samplicio surveys?

    I don't think I've ever qualified for a Samplicio survey. I ignore them.
  11. Useless

    Anybody ever eligible for Samplicio surveys?

    I see them so often that I thought they were pre-screeners. I usually see a couple of questions before starting a survey with another company. Eventually I end up filling out the same eight or ten every day. I didn't know they had their own surveys.
  12. Useless

    Yougov Plus

    I think you're wise. Whatever you get from them couldn't be worth as much as the info you'd be giving them.
  13. Useless

    Survey Junkie

    I quit it soon after the last change to the format. I got DQ'd more and more and just gave up.
  14. rosiesmom

    Yougov Plus

    I received an invitation this morning to join Yougov Plus, not to be confused with Pulse. No where in the invite does it say what the benefits are to joining. Just before the last screen it wants info from my passport or driver's license. I would have to put in my name just the way it appears on those two documents. And they use Yoti to protect that information. Anyone else get this? I am not giving out any information to Yougov.
  15. crackerjack9

    "Rebranding" of PaidViewpoint

    I love it, too. except for this cashout policy I tried to cash out after I had gotten a new phone number-this was their reply to me...
  16. Toluna is the bottom of the barrel. I've totally given up on them. Hope they come through for you with your PayPal redemption
  17. Last week
  18. gothicnaturefreak

    Toluna, no more gift cards???

    Just updating: I cashed out $10 to Paypal on the 14th... it's been 14 days now and I still haven't seen the payment come through. I know previously they said they only paid out like twice a month (I forget on which days) for PayPal. They may have changed that since they changed the website. Cause now it says rewards may take 2-3 weeks to get it. Last time I cashed out it only took a couple days to get paid, so either I just timed it right, or something else is going on... And yeah I still haven't seen any good gift cards restocked.
  19. Happened again just now.. It's taken me 2 days to go from 4 to the 5th survey. When I started the survey the screen was full of no ratings and 3 and below stars.. I finished the 5th survey and the second it said $5 was added to my account and I went back to zero out of 5 done, the screen was full of high rated surveys.. I just did 3 in a row and now the screen is back to lower rated ones.
  20. avemaria

    5 Surveys query

    I kept it activated but always figure if the time is worth the 50 cents.. quite a few have been.
  21. ConnecticutMarc

    Survey Junkie

    The grifters there owe me more than $5. But every time I try to collect, they throw more impediments in my way.
  22. I gave up on Pinecone years ago,,they changed to much..I preferred paypal as payment..It has been long time since they accepted new members.
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