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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/2018 in Posts

  1. I think I'm gonna scream.Three times in 1 week at 3 different survey sites is too, too much.I think that is my most hated survey right now.This survey has been floating for years I see no reason to take it,wish someone would get all their info and be done with it already.Sorry venting is good.
    1 point
  2. I think you're right, however most of the time it's not so much that survey companies don't want a a certain demographic - it's just that there's too many individuals of that demographic taking the survey at the same time. Keep in mind the majority of survey takers are older, white, females - usually lower income. So when the majority of people are in that demographic that quota will close more quickly than other quotas.
    1 point
  3. I think that demographics have a lot to do with it.... because the longer we're with a company, the older we get and the more things change. Some of the surveys cut off at 35.... some when kids are over 10 or 12, etc. so as the time goes on, we gradually ease out of the respondent qualifications that many of them are looking for.
    1 point
  4. Okay I noticed this for the first time 2 or 3 days ago.However as I just did a survey for them and I noticed that I did not receive my 50 points for trying. Maybe a couple of days ago I started thinking I wasnt getting all my points, but I really wasnt positive since I wasnt writing everything down like I should be.Well today I did start writing things down and sure enough I wasnt getting all of my points like I was suppose to be.I mean they would show up in my recent transactions but they were not adding up in my points.I just wrote to them tonight and let them know what was going on.I thought I should let you all know to keep tabs of your points and just don't rely on them being accurate. So a minute later and there are my points,that they added.So yeah I will definitely be writing everything down .
    1 point
  5. Sometimes I do a screen shot to help me keep track. I never noticed this before. Thanks for the heads up.
    1 point
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