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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/2020 in Posts

  1. It's been since the pandemic forced people to stay in that I noticed that the minutes per survey didn't add up with the cents being offered. I saw a dozen surveys that were like 25 minutes for 18 cents. I said no thanks. I can't make the minimum points each day, and that is ridiculous.
    2 points
  2. I'm not surprised this happened with SurveySavvy, I dropped this panel years ago because they demonstrated repeat incompetency, support was so bad, I don't think they could troubleshoot getting out of a wet paper sack. This alert happens when a website lets their "SSL certificate'" expire and your webrowser is alerting you to take notice. The electronic certificate is a service by an independent security company that has verified that a particular site is genuine. This helps with safer browsing, because the site identity has not been compromised. This happened to me recently on Survey Round Table and it took over a month to be resolved. You most likely could use the website, but you would have to manually override the automatic lock outs each time. Also, all information you send, such as username and password are in the open and not encrypted. A valid SSL certificate causes the little lock symbol in the address bar to appear, it means encrypted connection. Here's more explanation on Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Certificate_authority
    2 points
  3. Throttling an account is how survey companies get around not paying for work done, by keeping a panelist below the payout threshold. UserCrowd, ViewPointForum, Walmart Spark surveys, and others do this. Some like Toluna, Walmart, i-say will forfeit the points, if they languish too long. This is one of the unethical behaviors of this industry that I'm contemplating making a stink about to regulators.
    1 point
  4. I continue to get that message on a number of sites...very frustrating
    1 point
  5. Perhaps it has something to do with this year's data breaches?
    1 point
  6. yougov australia has paypal as cashout option and no bank transfer
    1 point
  7. Yes I also got the email about the extra delay in payment to PayPal accounts...but the funny thing is, they had paid it the same day I got the email saying there was a delay? @NevadaJones, I don't see any section where I can have rewards paid into my bank account, just PayPal, or gift cards. I also noticed, that instead of $25AU, the payment was $24.90AU? I have noticed this in the past as well when redeeming from yougov, so I'm wondering if it is PayPal taking a little from the payment or is it something to do with currency exchange rates ? I also agree that the time length for survey companies to be paying rewards is now way too long, and I am in the process of culling a lot of survey sites now because of the time it takes to get payments.
    1 point
  8. I will have to check but I don't think I have PayPal option either
    1 point
  9. They unblocked me as well, I had been blocked "by accident".
    1 point
  10. That is my problem. I was blocked. They unblocked me. Yesterday I was blocked, again. WTH!
    0 points
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