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Lauren does exist, BUT ...


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A sad tale of Lightspeed. I joined them on January 13, received 16 invites, qualified for 7. Not too bad. The problem comes when they request copies of changes to credit card/bank account agreements. Okay, black out the account number and e-mail to them. Was supposed to receive 2,000 points! Didn't receive them, e-mailed "Lauren." Of course, I never heard from them. In fact, I stopped receiving invites for surveys.

Well, this week I sent a "send me more surveys" message from their website. To my great surprise, I got an answer!!! And here it is:

"Thank you for contacting the Lightspeed Consumer Panel.

Your account was closed because it was found that you were completing surveys in a much shorter amount of time than other panelists. This shows us that you did not put the amount of thought into your answers that our company and clients demand.

Unfortunately, your account will not be reinstated.

If you have any further questions about this please consult our Terms and Conditions at: http://us.lightspeedpanel.com/rules/site_terms.html


Lightspeed Consumer Panel

Amazing how they can analyze that on 7 surveys (10 minutes each by the way), in only 18 days! Could it really be that they did not want to pay out on the 2,000 points?

I did send a reply to "Lauren" and told her/them that I was fully expecting to receive the compensation for that 2,000 points and that if that did not occur in 10 days, they would be reported to the BBB.

So, beware the Lightspeed. Make sure a 10 minute survey takes you at least 15 minutes, even though it's only the equivalent of 22 cents (i.e. $1.32/hour)!

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That's odd. I've cashed out for way more than that in the past and I've been with them for years and I've never had a problem with them before.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Amazing!!! I filed a complaint with the BBB, and in less than a week I was credited for the missing points. Not only that, Lightspeed sent me TWO surveys today, one for 400 points that then lead to a two week snack survey with TNS for $55, and another one for 150 points. I have, however, learned my lesson. I am now keeping track of how long they say the survey should take, and exactly how long it takes me. At least then I have some additional back up if I have a problem again.

What a crazy company!

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i've never had any problems with lightspeed.A few times I didnt get credit for some surveys and I emailed them with the survey numbers and they credited my account without any problems.If they banned you it was obviously for good reason,they dont just go around banning people for nothing.

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Wow so sorry you had this problem. I have been with Lightspeed, wow I cant even remember how long. Its been forever. They are one of my favorite ones. 400 pts for a survey? Lucky you I never get one that high. Highest I ever got was 300. Usually its 150 or 75.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I experienced the same thing but I do not know why I am not receiving surveys.

So, you were blacklisted because you think and read very efficiently and that is considered a fault? Do they want the mentally delayed working the surveys only? People that have to keep pondering the meaning of the questions and take forever to make up their mind on an answer?

Since when is it to be penalized because you are intelligent and efficient? Well, I will ask "Lauren" this but I am glad I know that he prefer dullards answer surveys not the nimble of mind.

I have done surveys with Lightspeed for years and this all of a sudden? I am going to the BBB with this.

Angela Hansen

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Guest Anonymous

I found that ironic because I was doing a 2,000 diary on my precription drugs and over half-way through they told me they're is technical errors and I had to restart it for 10 days. I only got compensated for 765pts for it. I am not gonna argue about it. It was only 2 minutes a day. Better than nothing but they can be sneaky. I usually recieve about 3-7 invites a week sometimes more for 50 to 150 lightspeed points. The other day I did a 300pts survey.

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Last week I got one for 500 points. I really didn't think I would qualify but sure enough I did!That's one of the highest paying surveys I have ever gotten with them.I mean I have gotten a pda project that paid more but I wasn't complaining on this one ,that's for sure!

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I just called Lightspeed because I wasn't credited 150 points for a coffee survey. The rude man that I was transferred to kept insisting that I was already credited with the points. I told him I'm staring right at the screen and neither the points, nor the survey number is there. He told me to wait 24 hours and so I will. He couldn't wait to get off the phone with me which makes sense considering he sounded like he had a hangover. I'm done dealing with any survey company over the phone.

If I have a problem for now on I'm going to wait a few days and then go straight to BBB.

Wow, I just found a 2nd survey where I completed it and didn't receive the points. I'm going to file a complaint with BBB, screw this. Here's a link to their BBB page in case anyone needs it in the future:


In case their survey specific the two surveys are:



Although, they have a rating of F so I'm not thinking anything is going to get done. Why doesn't BBB allow people to see what the complaints were specifically regarding?

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This company for no reason has just stopped sending me surveys..I've cashed out a bunch of times...have always completed their surveys with no problems...them wham..gone....WTF??

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I had that happen to me too greeneydevils. In fact, my account just didn't exist. No idea why. So I had to make another.

I hate that "OMG U WERE 2 FAST!!11111" nonsense. I got dropped from a panel for that crap. I also got dropped for "putting three answers that were the same" never mind they were really what I thought.

These people act like they are paying some real money to be worrying about. It's ridiculous.

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