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Anyone got a guess what a survey company makes if we make $1 ?


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I'm going to take a stab at my own question. I complete a survey, get $1. I would think they get paid $10 which they probably have $3 in expenses (office help, rent, server costs, etc.) and then net $6.


If the client is the deep pockets "unnamed big pharma company" or some well heeled university, 1000 completed surveys turn into a nice chunk of change FOR THEM!!

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I'm not sure, but I think it's a lot more than $1. I'd almost say they would get $15-$20, but just like you, I am guessing. I think (some of) these survey sites are making money hand over fist. Some of the bigger conglomerates are making the most money. 

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I don't know either, but I might be able to figure this out, at least for public insitutions, like Higher Ed. For the last few years, I've been archiving the consent for for university surveys. I save stuff like this because it sometimes comes in handy contesting a rejection. Because Universities are public institutions, they can be plied with FOIA, Freedom Of Information Act, requests. I have a lot of these archived consent forms. I when I get a roundtuit, I was going to make some requests of the most egregious and unscrupulous researchers. I was hoping to get some coaching on writing these before I started.


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18 hours ago, drgray said:

I'm going to take a stab at my own question. I complete a survey, get $1. I would think they get paid $10 which they probably have $3 in expenses (office help, rent, server costs, etc.) and then net $6.


If the client is the deep pockets "unnamed big pharma company" or some well heeled university, 1000 completed surveys turn into a nice chunk of change FOR THEM!!

Not sure, but how much are they making from scamming us and getting all that free data, must be lots.

Just think how many times you don't get paid for completing a survey and how many people this happens to. 

Fraudsters and charlatans the lot of them.

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I went shopping for surveys and got prices for a fifteen minute survey for 200 "high quality" responses. I suspect "high quality" means there's some scrubbing and discarding of bots. it was between 200-1400 dollars. Pollfish claimed  a cost of $0.95 per respondent. So, if there is anyone with Pollfish experience, maybe we could develop a better perspective of what the survey net them

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46 minutes ago, schludermann said:

I went shopping for surveys and got prices for a fifteen minute survey for 200 "high quality" responses. I suspect "high quality" means there's some scrubbing and discarding of bots. it was between 200-1400 dollars. Pollfish claimed  a cost of $0.95 per respondent. So, if there is anyone with Pollfish experience, maybe we could develop a better perspective of what the survey net them

Wow..thanks...seems low .. a range of 1 to 7 each..I suppose this is only the "hook". Just like a survey I finished about cars. You can start with a car for $30k then with all the safety features and other bells and whistles they tell you that are necessary, all of a sudden it's a $50k car along with additional monthly subscription fees to boot.

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