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Photo and Government ID Requests


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My query: Is it usual procedure for survey sites to demand Government Photo ID: Drivers License and passport details? I have been a long-time user of many sites, however recently three sites demanded I provide the above request or payment of my earnings would be withheld and my membership deleted. I have been a member of these sites for many years, and I am confused as to why this request is now a requirement.  Is there anyone out there who has had the same experience?






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Some sites have asked for my D/L. When & where I could, I gave it to them. But no site ever asked me for a pic of my passport. I don't have one & don't want one. I think that the reason that all that additional identification is demanded is due to the fact that the psychopaths who run those sites are getting more & more paranoid about whoever gets on their sites.

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The only survey company that has asked for my ID is Valued Opinion, and I refuse to give it to them. Right now they owe me $120.  I can't log into my account right now,

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7 hours ago, Pammy said:

My query: Is it usual procedure for survey sites to demand Government Photo ID: Drivers License and passport details? I have been a long-time user of many sites, however recently three sites demanded I provide the above request or payment of my earnings would be withheld and my membership deleted. I have been a member of these sites for many years, and I am confused as to why this request is now a requirement.  Is there anyone out there who has had the same experience?






I waited months to join Prolific. When I was finally invited I was asked for my Drivers License. I am a bit of a privacy freak and chose not to give them my drivers license so, sadly, was unable to join.  This is the only site that has ever asked me for this type of personal information. I've never been asked for this information after I was already a member, especially at payout time. That seems to be  rather dishonest and underhanded if you were not warned of this requirement beforehand.

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11 hours ago, Pammy said:

My query: Is it usual procedure for survey sites to demand Government Photo ID: Drivers License and passport details? I have been a long-time user of many sites, however recently three sites demanded I provide the above request or payment of my earnings would be withheld and my membership deleted. I have been a member of these sites for many years, and I am confused as to why this request is now a requirement.  Is there anyone out there who has had the same experience?






What sites did this? Haven't had such a request yet in 20+ years and would not provide it.

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I'm with Web Perspectives here in Canada & they asked for ID recently & I believe it's because of all the "bots" that they come across doing surveys & now with all this "AI" it must be harder & harder for some sites to get real humans to do their surveys...I can imagine how many are bots trying to scam the sites these days...I gave my ID to the company that I've been with a long time & had no problem cashing out & doing on a very regular basis as I get tons of survey invites with them & have been a long time member so I was ok with it

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4 hours ago, greeneyeddevils said:

I'm with Web Perspectives here in Canada & they asked for ID recently & I believe it's because of all the "bots" that they come across doing surveys & now with all this "AI" it must be harder & harder for some sites to get real humans to do their surveys...I can imagine how many are bots trying to scam the sites these days...I gave my ID to the company that I've been with a long time & had no problem cashing out & doing on a very regular basis as I get tons of survey invites with them & have been a long time member so I was ok with it

Glad it worked out for you.  I'm just so dubious about giving personal info out online, my own hang up.

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I had around $200 with mypoints and wanted to do a Paypal cashout, and they required my driver's license and something else, but I said no thank you.  They have my name and address, so that should be enough as far as I am concerned. 

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2 hours ago, Sandy21 said:

Glad it worked out for you.  I'm just so dubious about giving personal info out online, my own hang up.

Same here.


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2 hours ago, rosiesmom said:

I had around $200 with Mypoints and wanted to do a Paypal cashout, and they required my driver's license and something else, but I said no thank you.  They have my name and address, so that should be enough as far as I am concerned. 

I am definitely not comfortable giving out that information who knows where that picture could end up on the internet  I don't trust any of the survey companies with that stuff.

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On 11/17/2023 at 4:59 PM, Pammy said:

My query: Is it usual procedure for survey sites to demand Government Photo ID: Drivers License and passport details? I have been a long-time user of many sites, however recently three sites demanded I provide the above request or payment of my earnings would be withheld and my membership deleted. I have been a member of these sites for many years, and I am confused as to why this request is now a requirement.  Is there anyone out there who has had the same experience?






Which sites specifically?

From my own experience, LifePoints hasn't asked me for that info, at least not at the time of typing this. mypoints hasn't either and I recently cashed out a few days ago. I know that RewardingWays and its sister site(s) ask for an ID on some occasions, and Prolific asks for a passport or ID when you register.

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Do not give out your I.D. to survey sites.  It is too dangerous!  Do not agree to accept paper checks for deposit into your banks from survey sites.  Do not give them your bank account number based upon their promises to pay you with direct deposit.  If you are that desperate for money, you would probably make more money panhandling than you are going to make off of these survey sites anyway.  The more you give in to such demands the more such demands will proliferate with the burden of proof always falling on you when these sites bring harm to you doing exactly what they all will do with any personal information given to them:  sell that information!  The only thing different is that you didn't even get paid for the personal documents for sale all over the dark web!  Don't do it!  If you need money that bad, go apply for welfare.

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30 minutes ago, Hospitality1391 said:

Do not give out your I.D. to survey sites.  It is too dangerous!  Do not agree to accept paper checks for deposit into your banks from survey sites.  Do not give them your bank account number based upon their promises to pay you with direct deposit.  If you are that desperate for money, you would probably make more money panhandling than you are going to make off of these survey sites anyway.  The more you give in to such demands the more such demands will proliferate with the burden of proof always falling on you when these sites bring harm to you doing exactly what they all will do with any personal information given to them:  sell that information!  The only thing different is that you didn't even get paid for the personal documents for sale all over the dark web!  Don't do it!  If you need money that bad, go apply for welfare.

Never had an issue with paper checks from survey companies that offered them. Very few do that. The only info needed to mail a paper check is your name and address , which you have to give anyway when you register with a site.

Most offer either Paypal or gift cards / codes.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

I have no problem accepting a check.  Some survey panels have done that before, although most of them now have you sign up for a GC instead.  I have heard of some people that have submitted their ID, but have covered up most of the ID, and have basically only shown their name and face.  I don't know if that would work or not.

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