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I just spend nearly an HOUR filling out a really, long, boring survey on car insurance, and at the very END, AFTER I did my race, income, and education, the very last page said BUMMER! survey filled.

I AM SO MAD! I wrote them a rather nasty email, filed a complaint with the BBB, and came here to blow off some steam!!!


I am so stupid too, when I looked at the link, guess what was in the address bar??

OPINIONHERE omg if I had caught it sooner, I would have NEVER taken it in the first place.

I have read others on here getting support from the BBB, so I am hopeful.


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Don't be so hard on yourself. You're not stupid, it probably didn't show up until they decided to d'q you. I've had some show that its from the site that sent it to you, and then when you get d'qued you see that it wasn't who you thought it was. And they wonder why people go spastic. Glad you let them have a piece of your mind. Hopefully the BBB will get on their backs.

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Yep I had that happen a few times to with other surveys and there company's I have done. They have you go through the survey answering questions and get to the very end where they ask you classification questions and then they try pulling that crap! Well I have always filed complaints on that Scam! It is very plain and simple, they asked you to fill out a survey completely and fully with the promise in paying you. Then you hold up there end of the bargin and they try to pull that crap. It doesn't matter if the survey got filled up while you were doing it or not! You did the work that they asked you, so they can't back out on there promise! That plain and simple!

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