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VO taking forever to pay


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I again find that Valued Opinions is taking forever to credit surveys to my account. I find that after I complete one of their surveys I get the following message:

Thanks for taking part, your reward balance will be credited shortly.

In the meantime perhaps you could give us a little feedback on your experience of completing the survey you have just done? This will help us improve our surveys in the future.


Now, according to my figuring soon should be within the next several minutes or hours. However, I find that rarely to be the case. Repeated emails to them have accomplished nothing in fixing this issue. I am always told on this screen that my balance will credit shortly. On the very next screen it states that my balance should be credited in the next 28 days. I have asked and asked to no avail about this and why they repeatedly have this wrong all to no avail. They have told me that the part about being credited shortly is not put up by them and is being done by the survey submitting company, that they have no control over that. Lies, Lies, and more lies.

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I always allow a month until surveys are credited, at least survey status is listed immediately except if by an affiliate. Requested VISA cashout, received message will be received soon. After 3 days I emailed them what is "soon", responded "soon" within 10 days. Received VISA on the 9th day. They respond to my emails. Of course, not as good as Pinecone, but better than Survey Savvy where surveys not listed, much better than Mindfield which takes months to credit (I will unsubscribe if I ever reach $5 cashout). Better than survey router with constant DQ'd prelims (OTX, SSI, etc). I find Valued Opinions to be good.

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I have been a member of VO for close to 3 years now. I have really watched them go downhill. Every email I send them I get a form reply which does very little to answer my concerns. I was doing a history on their site and saw that I have amounts pending from Feb, May, and a few others. My feeling is if they wont pay a survey in 5 or 6 months and it is still listed as pending either credit or just discard but dont allow me to go back and see it still pending.

I do pretty well with VO. I have cashed out 11 times while not huge its still decent and probably the best year I have had. I like that they are doing Visa again hopefully its a physical card rather than what Myview does where if they send me a physical i lose 3 dollars.

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To feistyvermin...MyView doesn't have Amazon cards at the moment so I am wondering about the Visa card. They actually send you the card in the mail? Why do you lose $3, at what point? Is it not the stated amount or does something happen when you use it? How long does it usually take to receive the card? Thanks.

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Myview offers visa but right now all they have listed is 75 and 100. They give you the option when you cash out if you want a physical card, from which they subtract 3 dollars, or a web visa, which is the full amount. What I do a lot of times is get the virtual and then go through mypoints to order wal mart gift cards. While walmart is not the best i find that I can get most everything I need there and I earn double rewards-myview visa and mypoints, without losing 3 for a physical card.

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Hi fiesty and thanks for the quick reply. I don't have a walmart near me so probably would just do the Visa card but like you said, they start at $75 and I just have credit for $25. I'll probably wait until Amazon appears again or go with Barnes and Noble. Too bad they don't have smaller amounts for Visa. One more question...if you use the web Visa, can you use that on Amazon? Does it work the same way with a code they give you? Can you use it anywhere online?

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The online visa is the same as having a physical visa. I write the number down and even get to use that at my doctors office. I just call them on the phone or let them run it through their computer and like a charm. Remember with amazon everything comes off your gift card balance first. So the visa card will not be used until after your amazon balance is zero.

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