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Survey Spot-Rant


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Alright, I posted a rave for Survey Spot so here's the other side of the coin. I did a survey last week, got to the very end, (or pretty close to it) and all of a sudden poof, the page closes. When I tried to get back to it (if I recall correctly, it was a multiple window kind of a deal) I couldn't get back in. Okay, no big deal, so I send an email about the problem to Survey Spot. Today, a week later, I get an email basically saying that technical errors happen and sometimes that means I won't be able to complete surveys and all they can do is apologize. I'm not kidding, that's more or less what they said.

They also said there will be more surveys in the future. Great, I can spend more half hour plus chunks of my time on surveys and hope that it goes through and if it doesn't well hey, they're super sorry about it.

In all fairness, it's not just Survey Spot I've had a problem like this with but the response actually made me laugh so I had to share. I've had a similar problem with another SSI based panel I'm on and at least one other non SSI panel so far. These panels really need to work out the technical kinks. I may have accidentally clicked out of the browser, I don't think so, but I may have. Even still, these sites can't do anything? Can't even reset surveys? Especially when the problem is on their end their best answer is, "Hey, take some more surveys and see what happens."

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I understand your frustration, Chelsea. I have had this happen a few times and always get the same form letter, no matter which company. Once I was lucky enough to get a doll on the phone with one company who credited me when she looked it up and saw that that particular survey was problematic for many people. I wish Survey Spot would tell us upfront what a survey is worth instead of going through a few steps and being told that it's for a $12,000 sweepstakes. I am beginning to delete their invitations when I have others that display their points right away. I hope they work on the technical issues as you said. It's so annoying to spend 45, even 10 minutes and lose a survey.

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I'm starting to think these aren't always "kinks." It seems to be becoming way too common.

I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt but I have to agree with you.

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