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How many survey companies are you on?


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Just a bit of fun this one. Just wondering how many survey comapanies people are signed up with.

My list is always growing but currently I have 174 on my list and I am from the UK.

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I have around six companies that send me surveys. I often ignore the ones that don't pay or that take more than 2o minutes of time. I don't feel I can invest my time in places where I don't get some sort of incentive.

I'm working on this very long survey about places where I shop but I am doing it in segments.

Ever learning,


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Dear Jimmy, I am up about the 200 mark, but I include cashback sites in my survey list, as I think they are just as lucrative.

Its incredible how very many there are out there, really!!! I must say, like you teachell, I do ignore ones which waste my time and dont give a good incentive.


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Dear Jimmy, I am up about the 200 mark, but I include cashback sites in my survey list, as I think they are just as lucrative.

Its incredible how very many there are out there, really!!! I must say, like you teachell, I do ignore ones which waste my time and dont give a good incentive.


200? wow u must make tons per month? How many invitations do u get per day on avg?>

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I would say that INDIVIDUAL surveys which pay a large amount are rare, but build-ups of points/pounds at individual sites can be very rapid if you are juggling a few different survey sites. For example, my balance was at zero on one survey site just last week, but thanks to regular invitations and completing the surveys promptly, I was able to reach the £8.45 mark, and I just need £10 for cash-out so you can see that I would consider that to be a good incentive...over a period of time. I also consider that 200 is a lot, but you work on a kind of rota basis, whereby you can get spells where you have lots of follow-on surveys on similar subjects for one company and your incentives really build up in your account then for a different company for example. My average earnings work out about £100-£150 per month, but not every month and not all the time. I find that it comes in fits and starts. I really really enjoy being asked my opinion which is why I get so many invitations. I always take my time and try to be honest and actually, I am not just in it for the money!! :lol:

I get on average about 15 invitations per day, but am often screened out. I file them in my survey invitations folder on AOL and then go back to them when I have time - they are often closed but I do enough that the points build up quite quickly. I just won £200 with one-poll the other day and received my cheque really quickly too. I often win with GFK too, so my winnings add up as do my incentives.

There is no rocket science to it, just enjoying what you do! Really, anything else is a bonus! :D:D


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that there's a lot of survey companies

I think I routinely get invites from 20 or so

secret shop surveys generally pay better, if you have the time and can do the shops

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