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Paid To Write


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There are some sites that are willing to pay people to write quality articles on all kinds of topics. Paid blogging is nice but it's complex and doesn't always yield a lot of results unless there is high volumes of traffic for ad clicks, viewing, etc. Although, there are some sites that will pay per post or pay for certain types of contents or ads.

However, there are a bevvy of sites that will pay for writing good quality articles and some even reward based on performance. Epinions pays a pittance but they are legitimate and Associated Content pays out as well. They have a better pay-out then Epinions but do look for better quality writers. It's one source of adding a little income to the wallet or just doing it for fun. :idea:

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does anyone know of any UK based ones apart from Ciao who pay for reviews?

LizzieAnn :D

AssociatedContent.com and Epinions.com is open to international users. The only difference is that Associated Content is based on a variety of topics, whereas Epinions is more based on product review, shopping experiences, etc. :)

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  • 1 year later...

Oh yeah. I am a writer for Demand Studios. Go to DemandStudios.com and apply!

It's possible to make a living writing for them, if you write a lot! There are people who do it full time and write 40-60 articles every week. They pay you per article that they accept, and you can write as many articles as you want. Depending on the specific article format that they want, each article normally pays either $7.50 or $15. The articles are quite short though (from about 7 sentences at the shortest to 5 or 6 full paragraphs at the longest) and shouldn't take too terribly long to do.

Personally I haven't done a whole lot of articles. I've published around 50 articles and I've been a member since September. But it can be a good income if you work hard at it... I should really be writing more!

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