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PaidViewPoint - very strange practice!


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Today I was asked if anyone in my household is planning to buy or lease a new car in the next year. I answered "No". Then, I got a message that said "On May 1, 2012, you answered "yes" to the question 'is anyone planning to buy or lease a new car'- you have been penalized 30 points. Which is it, yes or no?"

First of all, circumstances have changed at my house since May 1. I now have a wedding to pay for. On May 1, I thought it likely that I might be able to get a new car. Today, May 11, I realized that I can't, so I said 'No'.... WHERE DO THEY GET OFF "PENALIZING" ME 30 POINTS BECAUSE MY CIRCUMSTANCES HAVE CHANGED???

I don't much like this site, and that has just about done it for me - How dare they? If you are on their panel, you better make a note of every answer you give, because apparently you aren't allowed to change anything..... grrr.

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Today I was asked if anyone in my household is planning to buy or lease a new car in the next year. I answered "No". Then, I got a message that said "On May 1, 2012, you answered "yes" to the question 'is anyone planning to buy or lease a new car'- you have been penalized 30 points. Which is it, yes or no?"

First of all, circumstances have changed at my house since May 1. I now have a wedding to pay for. On May 1, I thought it likely that I might be able to get a new car. Today, May 11, I realized that I can't, so I said 'No'.... WHERE DO THEY GET OFF "PENALIZING" ME 30 POINTS BECAUSE MY CIRCUMSTANCES HAVE CHANGED???

I don't much like this site, and that has just about done it for me - How dare they? If you are on their panel, you better make a note of every answer you give, because apparently you aren't allowed to change anything..... grrr.

They penalize you on your TrustScore, you still get the same amount of money from the quiz. I wish they'd give you a choice of saying "circumstances have changed" so you don't get penalized but I guess then everyone would be doing it whether circumstances changed or not.

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