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Survey on Tablets?


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i know surveyhead has the option with their IPOLL app.. so yet it's possible.. not sure what other companies offer that. I've never used a tablet but as long as you have the option to use the net with a broser, i don't see why not. Lot easier than using a cell phone for surveys which a lot of people do.

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I have a tablet but I don't think all survey companies are compatible with them.At least that's the impression I got when trying becasue there were times I couldn't finish the survey I started or gain access to certain survey sites.Then when I went to my computer to finish ,some would let you have access to the survey again and some wouldn't.(LOL)Plus trying to get get your finger in the square boxes can be a hassle.Then if you have to type your answer and mess up you basically have to use the back arrow-I mean you can place the bar in where you mess up but it's real hard to place it in the right area -so if you don't pay attention and write a whole paragraph and mess up it can be a pain.I have a blackberry so I'm not sure if Ipods or another tablet is better but the blackberry is a pain.

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I'd imagine that while you could do *some* surveys, that most would be a pain in the butt trying to do on a tablet. Think about how much you use your mouse and that you'd have to do that with your fingers every single time. You'd have to scroll, you'd have to pick selections - drop down menus are a particular pain on touchscreens - and filling out a lot of blanks would definitely be less than fun.

I bought a Kindle Fire for my mom and while she enjoys it, I just can't imagine using a tablet for some stuff - like surveys or word processing. I'm sure it's *possible* but just not the best tool for the job.

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