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church Evacuated after Threats


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I was on yahoo earlier today and on the front page is a story headline: "Death threat prompts police response to Newtown church on Sunday" it seems the Catholic Church that some of the students went to got a threat from a unknown source who said that, "My friend didn't finish the job,". The threat happened out 12:30 and church leaders informed the congregation and evacuated 500 people.

Its an interesting story but I am frowning on the way the police handled this. I understand that threats are threats but if I was a nut job concerned with killing people I would be very prone to call that church, make the same threats, then promptly, while the police were so occupied securing that site, to go and do the exact thing 2 or 3 miles away. I mean you have to treat these are serious but who in their right mind knowing how the swat teams and every other police entity is going to show up would even think for one second to get away with doing that.

I dont know. I realize that people are crazy but like I said if I had any interest in accomplishing that I would most assuredly not hit the place I warned them about.

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