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Survey points tracker?


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Is there a program that tracks the amount of points that you have taken from various survey companies?

If not, this would be quite useful.

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Which each survey company I make a wordpad file and copy and paste the date, the survey info, the time I start and finish, sometimes the subject of the survey, if I completed it or was disqualified, the amount I received and the total amount of awards.

Example: GTM



Survey #: 268516

This survey takes about 12 minutes.

Your reward for completing it: 30 MarketPoints





A new survey is available

Survey Number: 267855

Reward for Survey Completion: 40 MarketPoints

Thanks for your participation!

You've just completed the survey and earned 40 MarketPoints.




Sometimes I add notes.

If I don't have the survey number I copy the link in the email. with Opinion Outpost I copy the survey time and incentive then copy the survey number from the members page after I take the survey. On other sites where you don't see the number until just before starting the survey I copy that and the stated time and incentive.

I also make a note if I have interruptions (phone, kids, ect.)

I keep all the files in a folder named surveys on my desktop. I also keep a file called survey money and list my cashouts and color code the amounts, Yellow for what i'm owed and turn it green when I receive it along with the dates.




global test market

$50.00 check





$3.00 paypal 8/26/13

Your order number is:




$3.00 paypal 9/3/13

Your order number is:




$3.00 paypal

Your order number is:


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