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$2 Surveys for 30 minutes


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Same here. If I see it's only a dollar or two and the info says 30 minutes, I just delete it. $2 for 1/2 hour is a joke. Valued Opinions has been sending surveys for $1 or $1.50. Any OTX are automatically deleted. I hope these companies aren't thinking that there are a lot of people who will do surveys for a buck, if so, they are only going to get dollar answers.

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Last month it was all good, I made about $180 from testing products and taking surveys. But this month I have only made $20 from ELITEOpinion. I hope this is not the beginning of the decline of the Survey industry.

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I used to make over $100 a month easily, but everything has literally died since the end of December for me and what little is left is either disappearing, treating it's participants like dirt, wasting time, or paying so little it is insulting even to Chinese slave laborers. I'll be lucky if I'll dig up $30 this month, and that is after trying twice as hard, looking for new panels, and wasting more time. The bad effects of all of this will soon hit the companies directly either in bad product ideas, skewed data, lost profits, or simply just going out of business... If the big companies had acted professional, treated us with respect, compensated us decently, designed their surveys better, and asked our opinions more often they might have been able to pull out of this economic slump with new innovation and better ideas to save time and money and sell more products. But many of them have chosen the path of cheapness and ripping off the survey participants, and the companies that use them to get opinions. So some jerks walk off with millions of dollars and serious survey participants, consumers and companies get screwed over and go bankrupt in a corrupt dead economy. I am mad at the state of things and I hope someone at a big survey company reads this and acts to turn things around somewhere, because if they did they would get the advantage, make the bigger money, and gather the best, most honest, and relevant opinions. Until then all I see are dollar surveys, greenfield affiliates, bad OTX, and cruel jokes that disqualify you after hours of your time... The only half way decent thing left out there is Pinecone Research which I only get one or two invites a month for.

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I think what Kim says is probably part of the reason. There has to be hundreds of thousands of people doing the same thing we are doing trying to make an extra buck so why would they want to pay large amounts out.

I have only been doing surveys for 4 months. I started doing them 2 years ago but didn't have the luck to find survey police at that time and learn the does and don'ts of survey taking. So I gave up too quickly. I am not fortunate to have been in on the $5 surveys a lot of you long timers here talk about.

I have asked myself many times how you all have stuck with it so long doing these $1 and $2 surveys...but if I'd had made some of the money you have made doing them prior to the last 6 to 12 months I would probably stick around as well hoping things would change.

I just can't see how any of us complaining to survey companies would change them from doing what they are doing using OTX surveys and Greenfield and Mindfield and such. They are like us...looking for ways to save and cut the dollar.

I really feel for those of you that have been doing this for so long and then have us newbies come in and take away surveys. I have been making around $100 a month since I started and I seem to put WAY too much time into trying to qualify for a $3 survey and then after 30 mins find out they really wanted someone else....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tilly....that's a good point. I didn't think of others signing up because of losing a job and needing money. However, a lot of them will drop off because you aren't going to get rich or make a house payment with what you make here. Plus, some people do not have the patience to really take their time and will probably zip right through the surveys which will be picked up by the panels. Yet, there will be ones who, like us, find it interesting and actually enjoy participating and will stick around.

Made my $5 with Minefield.....cashed out and bowed out.

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