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Survey Tips for Beginners


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1) I can't stress this enough: Before you join any survey site/company: check "Survey Police" FIRST!! Do UR homework; and this site is invaluable!! (Wish I'd have known this existed when I first started taking surveys--the time I would not have wasted...oh well...)

2) Just because a site pays higher for their surveys, DOES NOT MAKE IT A GOOD SITE!! It's hard not to be impressed at a large dollar amount--I did the same thing. But dollar amount goes out the window if U don't receive it!! How many surveys you are successfully going to be able to complete; AND (ESPECIALLY), DO THEY PAY PROMPTLY, is going to be what counts in the end! We all put in a lot of time and hard work for little pay. We accept that, but we expect to get paid what we earned at the time they say we will! There should NOT be a waiting time at all & a few sites agree & pay immediately. However, most do not. I do not have a problem with a REASONABLE processing time, but NOT 4 to 6 weeks!! What makes a bad site? When U have to fight...and wait...to get what U worked hard for. Some sites pay out faster than others; or have a higher dollar amount, but I have found that it evens out in the end--usually, I have several paying me at the same time--the tortoise & the hare reaching the finish line at the same time, is what I mean by this; and funny how that works out that way, but it does. Bottom line is this: a lower-paying site is far more valuable than a higher-dollar one, when the lower paying one PROMPTLY pays U what you've earned!! This is what impresses me. The last thing I expected, when I started this 2 years ago, was that I'd have to fight to get my money. Goes w/o saying, one shouldn't have to. But in the real world... So now, I rate sites on delivering on their promise--and NOT on the dollar amount. So far, I have not found another "Darwin's Data" (which for those of U not aware, is so far above the EXCELLENCE-scale, it's in orbit...around this planet...as we speak!!); having said that, since I've hung in there, I'm now enjoying the pay-offs. I've preferred the E-Cards--Amazon & Walmart--PayPal is also good. Speaking of that; lastly...

3) Do not accept entries into drawings as payment...it is not (payment). Only ONE person wins a drawing; the rest of us did that survey for free! I don't work for free. Do U? I've been entered (some sites do it automatically if U screen-out) in over 1,000 dwgs & haven't won one yet. But these surveys (I enter) are ones with a dollar amount, if I complete. Keep in mind, you have to look carefully at this, 'cause some are good at disguising a drawing entry reward! Always look for a point or dollar amount BEFORE U begin the survey...I've got caught many times at this & still do, on occasion. They are good a "sneaking" a few of those in. Who is going to do a 30-40 minute survey just to be entered into a dwg???

4) Sites that have paid me promptly: Darwin's Data; Center for Decision Sciences (Columbia University); Opinion Square; Ipsos-i-say; Opinion Now; My Survey; Harris Poll; Clear Voice; Only Cash Surveys; Opinion Place; FGI Research; and, eJury. I am close to pay-out on a few other sites as well--when they pay me, I'll post those results as well.

5) I won't list the "dud" sites here (I do give my opinion on the "Ratings" section of this site)...BUT...I DO HAVE A SPECIAL MENTION..."iPoll" gets the award for making me wait the longest to get what I earned: 8 MONTHS TO GET A $25 (Amazon) REWARD THAT IT TOOK ME OVER A YEAR TO EARN!!! ALMOST 2 YEARS FOR $25, I BELIEVE DESERVES SPECIAL MENTION!!! So far, NO OTHER SITE HAS BEEN THAT BAD FOR ME!! Did U watch the Olympics this week? Well, there they were...on the podium...excepting the "GOLD" for: "Longest-Wait-To-Pay-Out-For-Services-Rendered" category...way to go, iPOLL! (Disclaimer: This is no way a reflection on the Olympics & the wonderful athletes who've competed & won, which do deserve a heart-felt CONGRADS!!). Hope my experiences are of help to any of you...your's have been immensely helpful to me. I notice there are few recent comments--let's keep this up, people!!

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JDPowerPanel does not pay quickly but they consistently pay. And they can be a high earning site. Sweepstake surveys can get you cash for a DQ on a quite consistent basis. It adds up. There are exceptions to every rule.

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  • 1 month later...

I have been going through the topics and searched but have not really found my answer.

I posted in the Newbie section a similar question but I know I usually don't read newbie topics so I am posting here. I am sure this has been asked a million times. I have searched on the net too.

How much can an avid survey taker make a month if they are retired and pretty much can do lots of surveys. I am just asking for individual opinions and experiences. So, in plain words, how many hours do you spend and what do you think your average earnings might be for you. Turning gift cards into dollars.



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  • 3 months later...
I have been going through the topics and searched but have not really found my answer.

I posted in the Newbie section a similar question but I know I usually don't read newbie topics so I am posting here. I am sure this has been asked a million times. I have searched on the net too.

How much can an avid survey taker make a month if they are retired and pretty much can do lots of surveys. I am just asking for individual opinions and experiences. So, in plain words, how many hours do you spend and what do you think your average earnings might be for you. Turning gift cards into dollars.



I realize this is an old post but I will still answer. And the answer is that it really does vary. Most months I get a minimum of $12-15 from Pinecone alone. Sometimes more. That is really the only one that pays me promptly and via Paypal. Most of the others make me accumulate points and it can be a long time before I get enough to cash out. Then there is Swagbucks. That is convoluted because I don't just do surveys there. In fact I usually *don't* do the surveys unless I am super bored because you can waste hours on them and never qualify.

I also think that I may get less than other people because I am 55 and have a teen. I do get a lot for her to do but because she is a teen, she usually no longer wants to do them. They were fun for her at first but after getting a few really long winded ones about things that didn't apply to her, that was it!

They seem to want young Hispanics with babies or young kids. Or so it seems to me. And people without food allergies like we have. Or people with various medical conditions who are willing to try new meds. Or use certain meds. That's not me either.

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  • 8 months later...

Immensely helpful post.

There's no site out there that does this at all, but if a site offered small scale sweeps, maybe like $500/500pts, but you have a good chance of getting it, I think I'd try it, especially if they would show you they really do pay out and on a regular basis. There's so much more these sites can do to make the experience better, I don't get why they think our sitting around failing out of survey after survey is a good thing. Just lazy scammer I guess.

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