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GTM for Canadians different than Americans?


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I couldn't help but notice something. I've been seeing people on here saying that to cash out at $50 on Global Test Market, you need 1150 points. People are also saying that two $20 and one $10 goes up to that amount. Yet it doesn't for me; two $20 and one $10 goes up to 1213. I can get $45 though for around 1096. I've also seen folks on here talking about how many points each paypal payment is, and mine seem to be more than theirs. For example:

$10= 243 points

$15= 364 points

$20= 485 points

I'm thinking it's different because I'm Canadian, and if that's the case it's no fair I have to get at higher points than people in other countries.

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They have to adjust the exchange rate depending on what country we are in. 1.00 USD = 1.25 CAD. It may not seem like much but when you consider they have thousands and thousands of members a nickel here and a nickel there would add up fast.

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They have to adjust the exchange rate depending on what country we are in. 1.00 USD = 1.25 CAD. It may not seem like much but when you consider they have thousands and thousands of members a nickel here and a nickel there would add up fast.

Aah okay yeah, that makes sense.

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