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The 15 Advertisements Survey (black screen/green text)


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I see a certain kind of survey once every other week or so: it's a survey with giant buttons against a black background and the text is usually white and green. Then it proceeds to show 15 types of advertisements, either in print, radio, or video form. Has anyone taken them before? They are different from the usual surveys, but I've noticed on sites like MyView and ZoomPanel, the points handed out at the end are small for the amount of time I spend evaluating the ads. Thoughts?

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Hi- Yes I just did one of those yesterday for I believe myview. They say the survey will only take 15 minutes, but it always takes longer than that. Some of the ads that they show you are 30-60 seconds a piece. They are not my all time favorite surveys. I did one yesterday for maybe Inbox Dollar that was a bank survey that only paid 50 cents I believe and took me over a half an hour. I have gotten the survey before too. They ask you which banks sponsor which teams or events, and you also have to rate each bank according to various criteria. I have an account at a community bank in the Chicago area that I love, and nothing else comes close. I used to bank at Chase, and I hated it. Thanks, Nancy

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I get these too, and usually they aren't too long. Sometimes I get the ones that have one commercial after another, so I have a pad of paper there and jot down notes about it, and sure enough, they will do a survey and then ask me about seeing a particular company or product. I don't mind them so much.

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Do them all the time. Usually not great paying but you always seem to qualify. I get a kick out of when I've just seen an ad and a minute later I can't remember what brand it was for. Not intentionally forgetting just some ads are not that memorable. :shock:

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I used to get that one all the time but i quit Myview so I haven't seen it since. Even though the survey was easy, it did take longer than stated so i would usually exit out of it unless I was close to cashout or bored.

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Yup, they are tedious but at least they always go through. I think once it didn't but they just don't pay enough. Maybe 600 points on MyView. Still, when I just want to keep going, I am happy to get one that disqualifies me.

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I get that survey fairly often. There's usually about 4 or 5 video/audio clips with the rest being poster ads, circulars, or banners. At worst it takes about as long as it says it will and at best you're done within 10 minutes' time. It's not the greatest payout but it's guaranteed payout when it appears and while it can be tedious once you lose count of how many advertisements you've seen, it's not the most boring survey I've ever taken--sometimes I even find some of the ads informative or entertaining. There's very little reason not to take it when it shows up.

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