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Portrait Drawings


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Hey Everybody!

I’m working on a project for my infographics class, and it needs some group participation. I need participation from you, and your contribution will become part of a larger art piece.

All you need to do is take a few minutes and draw an image of yourself. Send me a drawing (portrait) of yourself looking straight forward with the top of your shouldars in the image also and submit it at https://www.tumblr.com/blog/madebymegant or via email at [email protected]. This can be a drawing, painting, collage, or any medium you want to use, but the image must be of you looking directly forward. It doesn't have to be the Mona Lisa, I just want a wide range of images. Anything that is your interpretation of yourself. With your submission, please also tell me where you are from.

The form requires a name/e-mail, but if you want to stay anonymous feel free to use a fake name/fake e-mail.

ALL entries I receive will be used in the project.

Here is an online drawing tool you can use to draw your portrait if you don’t have other resources: http://drawisland.com/

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