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Inside heads first focus group invite


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I get a invite and tried to fill it out.It's been so long since I signed up I forgot who they were.Anyway the invite said $50 for a 90 minute online interview however once you open the invite it said $100.So which is it $50 or $100 ,that's a big difference.Well I didn't qualify and I really don't care.If they are going to have that big of a discrepancy in the invite then it doesn't sound like they have their act together.

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Hi- I just signed up today for a focus group that I found on craigslist. It is a two hour group, and it only pays $75, but I need the money, and it is for the University of Illinois at Chicago, and university ones never pay as well as other ones do. They got back to me 10 minutes after I submitted it though, and if I decided to drive there, they would have paid for my parking, but I am probably taking public transportation. I am surprised that they still needed people, because they have been recruiting for four days. They were only looking for people that lived in one of the suburbs though, and so maybe that is why they had a hard time recruiting. I see studies all the time for Northwestern University, which is only a 20 minute walk from where I live, but most of those only pay $10. There is one I participated in at the audiology lab there that paid I believe $40, and I got my hearing tested for free. I would do another one of those.

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