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Survey Sites Purposely DQ'ing People


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I like everyone else have seen a bunch of survey invitations coming to my email box but finding that I don't qualify for most of them. I have no proof but have a theory that the survey companies are feeling the heat with more and more people refusing to take free surveys or 25 to 40 minute ones for a dollar. To try to make themselves look good in order to build back up a fan base and to keep members from quitting, they have started sending out tons of paying surveys which are purposely designed to disqualify everyone who takes them. This way they are creating hope that if you stay with them, you will make a lot of money. There are some sites where I would get about 6 paid surveys a month and now I am getting 6 or more per day, all of which I DQ. If I didn't DQ, I would have made a ton of money in a couple weeks.

For example, I just got another of these from Opinion Outpost. I took the link, to the survey. As soon as I submitted my email address it took me to a page that said -

"Unfortunately, you were not a match for this particular study. We value your time and the opinions you share and do our best to match you with studies for which you will qualify."

I didn't answer ANY questions, no demographics, not my age or gender, nothing. Just my email address and it DQ'ed me. Why is Opinion Outpost jerking me around like this?

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As a marketer researcher who uses several of the panels everyone here are members of, I can say that often time there is a specific niche that we are looking for that is very hard to define. For example a few weeks ago I had a company send out a survey where I was looking for people who represented about .5% (1/2 percent) of the population. 25,000 people logged into the survey and I needed 300 completed surveys. What you said about Opinion Outpost though is very strange. I have never heard of anything like that.

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My View has been doing this to me ever since they screwed up their home page. They have been sending me invites everyday with incentives from $2 - $4 and when I log in it says I didn't qualify, without asking any questions. Then they will offer me one for a sweepstakes entry. I have not attempted a survey for them in about a month. I hate this because I used to do very well with them. I am glad I had just cashed out when they started this junk. They offer you one with a decent incentive just to get you to log in and then try to get you to do the free crap. No way I fall for that. They think we are all idiots.

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I have found alot of problems with Toluna...when you complete a survey they now give you this crap...

that due to tech limitations they're unable to put the money owed to you into your account for 3 weeks...bunch of crap..

I find that these survey sites are really good & always pay up...they are

WEB PERSPECTIVES (never had a problem with them..always pay up in your account)

Pinecone RESEARCH(always pay quick & now sending out products to test..testing cereal now.)

SURVEY HEAD (have cashed out a few times with no problem via PAYPAL..many surveys available SYNOVATE SURVEYS (a select number of surveys but they send you products to test..had a pasta last week to try)

LIGHTSPEED PANEL(have started getting a ton of surveys from them)

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Ahh lets not forget this one from Toluna, "We are currently experiencing some technical difficulties. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please check back later." They should also include...check back later because you didnt get jack for that survey you just completed.

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Another thing I am noticing is getting a survey invitation and when I click on the link it says "Our records show ou already completed this survey". I get this a lot with Say Nation but now I am getting it with other survey companies. I have taken the same survey with multiple sites and never got this message. So now I either don't qualify or I already took it.

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I have not only been receiving invitations more frequently for some surveys; but the amounts of the incentives have increased significantly. Today alone I received 6 invitations that offered incentives from $6 - $15.00; needless to say the quotas were “Filled” or “Unfortunately you did not qualify…” or the ever popular “We are experiencing technical difficulties” is all I got. :cry:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Speaking of bait and switch, I get that CONSTANTLY with MyView. They send me an invitation for a $5 survey and then send you to the site to log in where the survey is for a sweeps entry. I refer to them as "non-existent" sweepstakes and won't waste my time with them.

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You know what the biggest joke is...TOLUNA/GREENFIELD or whatever the hell they want to call themselves now...I was receving a ton of surveys in the last few weeks...now that I'm this close to the 60000 point mark the surveys have stopped coming ...If I ever get to that 60000 point mark I''m cashing out & dropping this survey panel group...they still owe me a ton of points from previous surveys when I got the "we can't credit you for 3 weeks crap" points that I'll never see...then when you complain they send you back some "madeup response" to your question that answers nothing of what you're asking...Let's see if they pay out in the end.....Everyone should dump this shitty site... :evil:

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greeney just so you know, they offer a lot of short surveys that are 'sponsored surveys' on their site that range in points from 100-225 points that take less than a minute. Look for the ones that ask you if you want to vote. They all usually start asking your gender.

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Thing is ..what the hell are 15 points going to get you?..Nothing....you need 60000 to cash out...how long would it take for you to cash out if you only did 15 point voting surveys??..anyone?....I see some of those interest surveys, but they're few & far in between...Like I said...since I've become close to that 60000 point range..the surveys have stopped coming...They must have a "RED FLAG" on the site when a survey taker gets close to cashing out the alarms go off....lol..

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