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How to save more money.


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This is by no means a complete or professional list, so feel free to comment and add to it. Since there are very few surveys left that pay seriously, I would like to focus and brainstorm some of mine and others ideas to save money. Some of these might seem a little extreme or unappealing to some, but they do work and I personally use and apply them to my life.

#1. Don't use electric heat, this might sound crazy, but you don't need to have your house 80 degrees in the middle of winter. Just keep the heat on enough to keep from getting sick or freezing, and dress warmly, you will get used to it. Also propane, gas, and wood stoves are cheaper if you have the right resources and live in the right area. Personally my electric bill is only about $40 every 2 months.

#2. Insulate large cracks in doors and windows that let cold or hot air in. You don't need to spend thousands of dollars to replace your windows and doors to do this, hanging some curtains or blankets in the hallway that leads up to the door and in front of the window can make a huge difference, especially if you can see light through the cracks in your door frame.

#3. Don't keep your coffee pot on all day, this is like an electric heater and can cost a lot of money. Instead use a insulated thermos to store your coffee in and it will still be hot hours later, and if it gets cold microwave it in a microwave safe cup "please don't try to microwave anything metal"

#4. Walk, ride a bike, or take the bus instead of driving everywhere, this is actually the biggest money saver and should be ranked #1 or #2. especially if you live in a city with stores only a couple blocks away.

#5. Buy used instead of new, there is no need to spend $50 on a pair of jeans or a shirt when you can go to a thrift store and get good as new clothing, electronics, and practically anything else for a lot less, and be helping a worthy cause at the same time.

#6. If it's not broke, don't fix it or replace it. It is not necessary to buy a new computer, TV, and or video game console every year, it's a waste of your time, money, and environment. I personally use a 12 inch Television from 1985 which is in full color, looks and sounds fine and only uses 55 watts max.

#7. Don't pay for what you can get for free. Why pay $50 for a movie and $50 for a video game, and $100 a month for cable when you can get unlimited games, movies, books, or almost anything for free on the internet or from the library? There are great alternatives to keep you entertained, even if you don't own a computer, game console, or TV. "remember there is still a world outside"

#8. Use generic brands. More expensive brand names are not always better and store brand or generic named products are almost always very close to the same, why pay more? Also shop around and look for cheaper stores like grocery outlet, dollar stores, and buy larger product sizes when they can be stored a long time, you will get more for your money this way.

#9. Think, reuse, improvise, work smarter, not harder. Before buying something you may need or want, make sure you don't already have it, or can't make it yourself. You can reuse many common things such as glass jars and coffee cans, for example I use coffee cans as outdoor planters, I just poke holes in the bottom and put something under them for drainage. just make sure you have a plan and what you do is practical "Don't end up being a garbage hoarder, know when to throw things away" there are lots of possibilities, just start using your imagination.

#10. Save money, if you can. If you have a surplus of money every month after all of your bills, save it. A good way to save is to buy things that you can sell later, yet retain most of their value over time, such as gold and silver coins, and keep some cash hidden away. Banks are okay for some saving, but have lots of fees and practically no interest these days. If you hit hard times, you can use your savings as a buffer to keep you afloat.

#11. Don't be afraid to ask for or use help. Some states and countries are different, and it may take a lot of persistence, filling out forms, standing in lines, and hard work, but if you don't make a lot of money you can get things like housing assistance, food stamps, or other benefits. Don't let the dogma, stigma, frustration, or whatever get in your way, if you get it, then you are entitled to it and it's your right you earned by you and your friends and family paying taxes! If you don't get your share of it, then it will just go to some illegal immigrant, drug addicts, or be used to fund Wars. If you're not working then you have plenty of time to get in their face and make them give you the benefits you are entitled to by law, "heck it's better than wasting time on a survey you wont qualify for anyways"

I'm sure there is more I can think of later, but this is a start. Don't let silly dogma, stigma, or pride get in your way of saving money! The big corporate billionaires that take all your money don't! I welcome all thoughts, questions, comments, criticisms, ideas, or anything here. I understand that all these ideas may not work for everyone, and are only suggestions. I apply these rules and ideas to myself and they work fine for me. I am not responsible for anything anyone else does, if you use these ideas, do so at your own risk, think carefully before investing, I am not anything and not giving investment advice, bla bla blah, ect...

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there are tons of shopping coupons to be found on the internet. Using as many coupons when you shop really helps too. Alot of times most stores will take expired coupons and even competitors if you ask. They dont want to turn away a customer with a large order over coupons. An example.


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