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Beware - Trojan!


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I really don't know if it is just me this happens to, but I have a second Trojan on my computer, after the first some time ago, which was actually a virus not a Trojan. This one is called PUZZLEMASTER and had two little inserts known as puzzle....(lots of numbers) and puzzle...(lots of numbers) which it took my husband most of last night and half of today to get rid of using X-cleaner. AVG DID NOT PICK THIS ONE UP BE WARNED IF YOU HAVE THIS!!

The thing is, we cant pinpoint where it came from, so its a problem, we just do know that it has affected our keyboard, and uses something called Keyboard logger so in order to change our passwords we had to use an onscreen keyboard provided kindly by X-cleaner. I dont fully understand these things, but hubby does and he has thankfully mopped up the mess and hopefully we are fine. Thing is, it has to do with puzzles, surveys, and instant wins.

Can I simply warn you guys, as maybe there is a problem with a survey site and you might get stung? On the other hand, it might be related to some of the more unusual points sites I belong to. Be wary!!


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