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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/2018 in all areas

  1. I am really getting tired of some of these silly questions that some of the sites are starting to ask before qualifying for a survey Where do you see yourself in 5 years (I don't know) What is your favorite ice cream and why (because I like it) I closed a survey today because I don't want to answer those anymore Anybody else annoyed?
    1 point
  2. You must be thinking like I do. You didn't get rejected from the survey when you answered the question like that where you will be in five years did you? But you do have to beware of the trap questions. Are you in a coma now? Did you ever bathe in ketchup? Did you have tea with Queen Victoria in the last week? I am sure you have seen these questions along with similar ones many times. Sometimes I try to do surveys too quickly for my own good. One time I was asked what year it is and I typed 1953 which was the year I was born and of course was immediately disqualified from the survey. So you have to be careful. But I realized what I did immediately after I did it. But I think a lot of panels do the things that Opinion Outpost does. I think I know what you are talking about when you say picture lineup. Pick out all the vehicles or street signs. And sometimes I have to do it maybe 5 times before they let me get to the survey. I almost feel like they are giving me an IQ test.
    1 point
  3. Opinion Outpost keeps asking what's my ideal day or something along those lines. But picking out vehicles or store fronts or street signs in a picture lineup and then having to do it again after getting it right is more annoying. Have also answered to where will I be in five years with a "good day is any day not six feet under:)"
    1 point
  4. You can get $300 a month if you have the right demographics. I've done it but it's something that may require 16 hours/day to pull off. You'll probably want to include a GPT site like Swagbucks to pull it off. Then if you want real money not gift cards that's going to limit the sites you can use. You can make more with a part time job than you can ever earn doing surveys.
    1 point
  5. Most of the panels I get asked to join on other sites I already belong to.
    1 point
  6. 300.00 a month is a lot. I belong to a lot of panels and do a lot of surveys but don't think I ever did 300.00 in a month. I can maybe do 100.00 to 200.00 in a good month. And by doing it fulltime what do you mean? Like about 40 hours a week? My suggestion would be to maximize your earnings to belong to as many panels as possible. This never happened to me but you have to make sure you don't get to 600.00 in a calendar year with any one panel because then you have to deal with tax forms and your earnings will be reported to the IRS. Two of the biggest concerns with doing online surveys is one you will be rejected from a lot of surveys so you have to be persistent. And the second thing is if you do a lot of surveys and belong to a lot of panels the risk increases that at least one of your accounts gets frozen or deactivated at some point because of data concerns. And if that happens it often is difficult to find out the reason why And depending on the circumstances you might be able to get your account reinstated but there is no guarantee. Also remember a panel doesn't really need a reason to terminate you. They can say you are not answering surveys honestly but that can be hard to fight. I try to devote most of my time to panels where I can earn the most money. That is why it is important to read reviews and what others on this site have to say. But one thing I have found is a lot of panels have reduced payments for completing surveys or in a few cases increased the threshold for cashing out. But one of the biggest benefits of belonging to survey panels is you may get the opportunity to participate in special projects like online focus groups or interactive surveys that pay much more than regular surveys. With one panel VIP Voice I get an opportunity once a month to do a 7 day diary where I have to document everything I both eat and drink. And the reward is a 25.00 prepaid Visa. I have been doing these for maybe a couple of years and don't know for how much longer they will continue. But after you complete one in about another month you get a chance to do another one. It takes a little time to record your info but since I have been doing it for so long it is pretty easy. As a matter of fact I completed one this past week so in a couple of weeks I should be getting my $25 gift card. I am retired and on a fixed income so even making a couple of hundred dollars a month doing surveys helps out a lot and gives me a chance to buy things I wouldn't be able to do so otherwise.
    1 point
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