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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/20/2020 in all areas

  1. Folks, I would like to start a discussion for a Panelist Bill of Rights. This is because The conduct of the Survey and Marketing industry has is in serious deterioration and a decline that seriously impacts panelists. A bill of rights is not about getting a favored position, that's what negotiations are for. This is about how we are treated uniformly. Also Professional Survey Company and Marketing organizations are woefully inadequate for the Panelist. There are panels that cheat panelists with impunity. Here're some topics that I think would be relevant, this is not in any particular order, there are probably multiple categories besides rights here. I imagine Y'all have many more 1) Tell us when it's a survey or a router. 2) complete screening up front or pay a proportional fee the longer it takes to screen out, including full price if screened out at exit. 3) Surveys must have abort provisions, and when we quit, a selection list why it was aborted. 4) Show us our complete survey history, completed, screened out, aborted and missed. 5) Tell us up front the organization that the survey is for. Some survey companies are terrible, and we want to not undertake for any price. 6) Minimal trackers, tell us which ones are being used and pay us a share for the ones producing revenue. 7) Agglomerate our own multi-point reporting system based on the value, support, integrity, payout and so forth and publish it. 8] develop a Survey Persona and reputation system so panels are less dependent on CAPTCHA and other bot barriers 9) Access to all our "rewards" that have been earned. 10) when an account is restricted because of TOS/TOC violations, state the infraction, the relevant section(s) and remediation process, Don't just send the whole TOC document, that's FU support. 11) Is the survey it a single topic or an Omnibus survey
    2 points
  2. Awesome post, thanks for posting this! Another point I thought of was these survey companies shouldn’t have links where it just appears you are agreeing to do a survey, but get redirected to sign up for another panel! I hate it when that happens. I’ll X right out. You won’t get any money for doing these, believe me I’ve tried. Another point would be that the panelist should be able to tell the survey company they’re signed up for that they want to be blocked from certain partner survey companies. These survey companies should prescribe so that if there is someone, e.g. Peanut Labs that you don’t want to get partner surveys from, they should block you from getting any of those. It is a pet peeve of mine that these companies want you to fill out all kinds of profile questions, and then they list surveys from partner sites that you have to re screen all over for.
    2 points
  3. Anyone else getting tired of doing the exact same COVID-19 surveys almost every day?
    2 points
  4. Absolutely spot on. I am fed up with the way some of these companies operate. The last few days I have not been paid for surveys I have completed, been screened out near the end, all the usual nonsense. The amount of information these scam companies get off us for free must be staggering. One of the biggest things for me is, even when you send a screenshot of the completed survey, some still don't pay you, makes my blood boil that does.
    1 point
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