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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/2020 in all areas

  1. I constantly clear my browser cookies and cache. I also have an ad blocker. That probably isn’t enough, but it’s all I have. I’m to the point where I just don’t give a rip anymore. No matter what, the deck is stacked against survey takers. They will continue to use sketchy shouldn’t even be legal tactics to continue raking in the money while we beg for crumbs.
    2 points
  2. Going on week four stalled out at a little over 19,000 points and have 22,000 points pending. I’ve messaged them twice, downgraded my review to half a star, and have waited and waited and nothing but excuses and canned replies. They had the balls to reply to my downgraded review with the same canned response they sent me when I queried them on the site. I’m calling my state attorney general’s office and reporting them for fraud. It’s disgusting that my points have been pending for months now. I have always done all my surveys meticulously and in good faith and truthfulness. This is the thanks I get. Maybe when someone holds them accountable they will start treating their panelists better. They owe me $22.00 which may not seem like a lot, but that represents months of hard work and time.
    1 point
  3. Potus (The president of the United States (POTUS) is the head of state and head of government of the United States of America) had to look it up make sure it was a real word duh
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Actually they may "owe" you more than that. Go over the award history of your account, to your very first surveys and look for "invalidated", those surveys were never awarded. PointClub can take up to 9 months to validate a survey. This is most likely because they are allowing the client that commissioned the survey to pick and choose results that fit their bias. First thing you need to do is find the parent company involved. I've done this already and it is innovatemr.com. If you want to get in the inbox of more than support, it will be a two-step process and take a little time and effort. Go to linkedin.com, search for the company "innovatemr", they are in the LA area, and find the C-Level individuals you want to alert. Since InnovateMR is a startup, go to crunchbase.com and search for that company, you'll find the founders. If not already on your contact list, add them. Confirm them from the LinkedIn links on crunchbase. Next to get the email addresses from a professional connection provider, I use rocketreach.co, since I get 5 email addresses a month free. At rocket reach you can do more searches, so long as you don't select and view an address, it's 5 searches a day. So search smartly and reveal only when you are sure. There are other professional contacts companies but haven't used them. Send your communications to them, they are professionals and its been my experience you will get a response if you keep it neutral and professional. Just the facts.
    1 point
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