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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/2020 in all areas

  1. Gotta give credit where due to you PointClub Newbie. Atleast you're attempting an explanation to dawn b adams. here on SurveyPolice. I pray IpSos/i-Say.com support will reach out to me concerning my pizza in home product test.
    2 points
  2. Like as we stated in previous post, approvals were expected anytime soon! Congratulations for another redemption requested earlier today. Gearing up next to get your reward delivered asap.
    2 points
  3. Actually they may "owe" you more than that. Go over the award history of your account, to your very first surveys and look for "invalidated", those surveys were never awarded. PointClub can take up to 9 months to validate a survey. This is most likely because they are allowing the client that commissioned the survey to pick and choose results that fit their bias. First thing you need to do is find the parent company involved. I've done this already and it is innovatemr.com. If you want to get in the inbox of more than support, it will be a two-step process and take a little time and effort. Go to linkedin.com, search for the company "innovatemr", they are in the LA area, and find the C-Level individuals you want to alert. Since InnovateMR is a startup, go to crunchbase.com and search for that company, you'll find the founders. If not already on your contact list, add them. Confirm them from the LinkedIn links on crunchbase. Next to get the email addresses from a professional connection provider, I use rocketreach.co, since I get 5 email addresses a month free. At rocket reach you can do more searches, so long as you don't select and view an address, it's 5 searches a day. So search smartly and reveal only when you are sure. There are other professional contacts companies but haven't used them. Send your communications to them, they are professionals and its been my experience you will get a response if you keep it neutral and professional. Just the facts.
    2 points
  4. Does anyone know if they got it working again?
    1 point
  5. Going on week four stalled out at a little over 19,000 points and have 22,000 points pending. I’ve messaged them twice, downgraded my review to half a star, and have waited and waited and nothing but excuses and canned replies. They had the balls to reply to my downgraded review with the same canned response they sent me when I queried them on the site. I’m calling my state attorney general’s office and reporting them for fraud. It’s disgusting that my points have been pending for months now. I have always done all my surveys meticulously and in good faith and truthfulness. This is the thanks I get. Maybe when someone holds them accountable they will start treating their panelists better. They owe me $22.00 which may not seem like a lot, but that represents months of hard work and time.
    1 point
  6. Yeah, finally was able to cash in! All it took was lots of begging and threatening to complain to my state attorney general’s office. I shouldn’t have to resort to this just to get my points. It’s ridiculous, and my review at half a star stands until PointClub shows significant improvement!
    1 point
  7. Used to participate and earn at PineCone until they rejected my request to be reactivated because of no activity on my part for a few months. Praying PineCone will accept my registration and become forgiving and humane again.
    1 point
  8. Approvals are already queued up as and are expected to be here soon. However, those $22.00 also include the ones that were completed recently in August 2020 and are very much in the time elapsed for a survey to be cleared by its sponsor(s). Trying our best to get majority of them cleared up beforehand and will keep you posted.
    1 point
  9. Thanks so much for the info and advice. I will be doing this. You’re a wonderful font of information, and I appreciate all your help.
    1 point
  10. This is word for word the exact same canned response you gave me when I downgraded my review of you to half a star. This will not cut it. I will be taking legal action next week. You keep saying the same lies and I’m sick of it. You owe me $22.00 and I will get it one way or the other. Do not reply to this.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Hi Dawn, Instant credits against survey(s) completed is for sure the most preferred way for anyone. It had to be replaced with Points Approval System to supply the most accurate data further to our Sponsors and was done get a better conversion rate in exchange for our club members. We completely understand that an extended wait time for survey clearance/reward requested may lead to an increased level of frustration. Also, it is very unfortunate that everything fell into such a sequence and the hassle it may have led to. However, a scope of exception is always there and we'd to go through unexpected delays recently. We do apologize for the inconvenience caused and your cooperation in the situation is much appreciated. Our teams are working towards streamlining them both to overcome all the delay recorded. Points pending and the Reward requested (if any) will be delivered shortly for sure. The next time you come across any doubts/concerns, reach out to our customer support team ([email protected]) with the subject line 'URGENT ATTN'. I would like to get in touch with you and double check it myself. Happy to help! -Team PointClub
    1 point
  13. Hi- It was just in the news a few days ago that one of the census offices in the Chicago area had to shut down because somebody that worked in the office came down with the virus. I was going to call up the census office to see why they never got back to me like they said they would, but I just decided that I do not want to go door to door, and plus Trump is requiring the census to only go door to door until 9/30, and so even if I wanted to work for them, by the time I went through the training, I would only be able to work 6 weeks max. The Chicago area pays $23.50 an hour though which is tempting. I am just afraid they will send me to parts of Chicago that are not safe. They did that when I worked for them last year. The section they sent me to though, I only spent about an hour there, and then left the neighborhood as soon as I could. I am going to try to get a job as a contract tracer with the state. You only have to call people up. A friend of one of my sisters has somebody she rents to in New Orleans who is doing that right now and she likes her job.
    1 point
  14. That is one thing I don't like about them that they seem to keep your points hostage for a long time because of that I am spending less time on the site.
    1 point
  15. I put it on a virtual Visa gift card and that usually comes within a few minutes.
    1 point
  16. For those who want a guaranteed payment, I'd look elsewhere, but if you want to enter some kind of lottery drawing or sweepstakes without betting a cent, this is the way to go. ChaChingo is the main draw and while I haven't hit the jackpot yet, it's so easy to select your numbers that I really can't complain. Even if you don't match all numbers, matching one number gets you Oodles and Tokens (tokens are just for fun, you can't win anything at the casino other than more tokens). However, Oodles can be redeemed or auctioned for prizes and/or sweepstakes entries. Since there are so many ways to get Oodles every day, it's essentially free credits that you can get just by playing games or watching ads. Not to mention, the games are pretty fun. I should mention, it's affiliated with WorldWinner which from what I hear is pretty sketchy. I don't care for this site as much since they encourage you to bet money on their games (where people get impossible scores). The games frequently require refreshing the page just to load properly and then will tell. However, by signing up to GSN and getting Oodles, you can participate in the weekly sweepstakes. And if you get a certain number of reward points saved up, you can apparently redeem them for game credits. However, worldwinner is a site I wouldn't bother too much with until I know what I'm getting into.
    1 point
  17. I received a check instead of paypal
    1 point
  18. Have not used PayPal, I use Amazon codes with PineCone. The turn around, about an hour, is unaffected.
    1 point
  19. They sent me a check too for the first time instead of Paypal.
    1 point
  20. Is anybody having difficulties with IpSos ? I was in process of completing the emailed survey questionnaire and because of this lockdown. IpSos hasn't replied to my request for the status of this In Home Test Product.
    1 point
  21. I wonder if they are shifting gears in a big way (hope this isn't off-topic, but this is what I mean..) I just got a big white envelope from them with an invitation to Knowledge Panel. And 2 crisp $1 bills were included, which reminded me of the days decades ago when Nielsen would send 2 or 5 dollars with the hope that we would fill it out and send it in. I might respond to this thing (they are offering bigger incentives if I continue). Ipsos is one of those secondary companies I must have done 10,000 surveys for, but never had a direct account with (that I know of). Now I feel stupid, because the weekly recycle people came this morning, when I could have checked everyone's bin for unopened white envelopes (not a normal hobby of mine). But I hope not too many dollar bills go into the incinerators.
    1 point
  22. So far, not for me. On my last 2 payout requests, I continued to click on Paypal, but they sent me a check in the mail (it didn't take too long), and that's fine for me.
    1 point
  23. This doesn't surprise me. From my many interactions with IPSOS/i-Say, I think they have gone into decline. This is because they now offer zero point surveys. Support deflects helping panelists unless a request is directly tied to an email invitation. Meaning they deflect helping you if you primarily use the panelist dashboard for surveys. The survey IDs that they demanded are not apparent from the dashboard. If you try to get help after a survey bombs, like not being returned after completion from a fielded 3rd party survey, that information is impossible to retrieve and support is incompetent getting it from screenshots or URL captures. When they do respond it is majorly parsimonious. This morning support "granted" me 10 points for completing a survey I escalated because it failed to return me after completion. it was a 90 point survey. As to fielding, I don't get much support either, I had a toilet paper test and the evaluation questionnaire closed prematurely. No help from support.
    0 points
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