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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/25/2021 in all areas

  1. Branded went into decline, at least from the stand point of a serious panelist, with a daily rotation. This began a few years ago, when Branded decided to "improve" the surveys and panelists' experience. The started by hiring black-holes to run the panelist forums and take support requests, Some support requests reach escape velocity and make it out, because they are light weight palliative responses support. so i do the daily fiver and profile updates. Lately there has been a trend ask how much the panelists like the variuos features of branded, and quite a few state they like or really like. However, there was one salient survey, how many other survey panels the members of branded are active on. Most are just on Branded some some do a few. I think that means the most comon panelist has very shallow depth of experience. I don't know if that's the case for other panels, but if the tolerance of crappy service from support is an indicator, probably yes. I use to submit creative feedback, but it frequently wasn't even acknowledged. So now I just apprise panels of my lousy experiences that I post on review boards and if i'm lucky there's a denatured response from the automated human. So yeah, branded ran themselves into the ground, ignored the skilled panelists that pay attention and had experience to formulate a cogent sentence. So I stick around with Branded for the anthropological and meager daily rewards, I try stuff and watch what happens.. For instance I had a spate of sterilized responses from support and was ticked. I was ticked enough to spend a few hours settting my profile to "none of the above", "preferred not to say", other, no, and ambiguous. After awhile i noticed that it it didn't change the survey, offerings.
    3 points
  2. This is a good indicator hoe incestious the survey industry is. I have had wiffs in the past that every panelist get's a "unique id". It was leaked to me, by a bragging mysurvey support agent, that everyone get's an ID, whether they like it or not, to prevent repeating surveys across multiple panels that field the same survey for a client. You would see evidence of this when staring a survey you've never taken before and it halts and terminates with a message you already completed it. Whether it's true of not. The ID is made up of identifiable technology on the machine, most computers have a unique enough hardware, OS and app build that this can be done and assigned a value, it doesn't matter if you know this or not and it's share with other panels.
    2 points
  3. Merry Christmas, everyone!
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. I find they are always slow. I thought it was my computer.
    1 point
  6. I have had this happen to me also.
    1 point
  7. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
    1 point
  8. They do mass blocking and insist its because people are being fraudulent which makes no sense. I was doing them everyday and putting effort..I made sure to score high..still got banned.
    1 point
  9. I've had the opposite happen a few times. Doing a survey at one site (not Swagbucks) then getting redirected back to Swagbucks!
    1 point
  10. I've been a member of Branded Surveys for over 6 months now. I can't tell you how frustrating it is sometimes when you spend 15+ minutes taking a survey, and then they say it is closed or you don't qualify. If you rush through a survey, they will deduct points from your quality score. But yet they send a ton of emails telling you to open ASAP for the next survey. What's worse, is that they sometimes reject a survey a week or two later and you have no idea why. There doesn't seem to be anyone available to send email about issues that come up. They do pay promptly though and I'd recommend you cash out on a weekly basis. But the biggest issue I've noticed is with the Leaderboards. Most of the surveys I've taken have point and money values from 5 cents to 4 dollars. And many surveys take longer than 10 to 20 minutes to respond to. Even if you spend like 6 or 8 hours in a day responding to the higher value surveys, the MOST I ever got in a day was like $12. The thing is, that if you look at the leaderboards with money values, how are people getting $40 or $50+ per day from these surveys? And even worse, there are a number of panelists that are getting $400 to $500 a month. Is this a scam by Branded Surveys in the rankings to get more people to participate or is there something else more shady going on for the top earners? Yes there are some special surveys that can have focus groups or off line activities where you can earn $25 - 50+ for participating, but that comes directly from the private company sponsoring the survey and NOT from Branded Surveys. So how are there so many panelists earning these high rewards?
    1 point
  11. Because I said I haven’t had any breaks in 2022 I got disqualified !
    0 points
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