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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/2022 in all areas

  1. I do not belong to PointClub but always appreciate that they respond.
    1 point
  2. Well let's see: 1. Hillary and Chelsea Clinton docuseries............... 2. Cash.................... 3. You complain............... Hope that we are still able to see you posting here after complaining about anything connected to that woman!!!
    1 point
  3. I have started to wait before I click the agree.
    1 point
  4. I've never qualified for even one of their surveys. THANKS for the info and tips so many of you have given.
    1 point
  5. If you click on "I agree" too quickly, they disqualify you based on their system's assumption that you didn't read through their legal terms paragraph thoroughly. It happened to me about 20 minutes ago; normally I wait about a minute or two before clicking "I agree", but I had a feeling that the survey was going to be one of those tedious surveys where they make you watch 20+ minutes of a new television show, so I wasn't really interested in taking it anyway.
    1 point
  6. It seems to happen more often on Sunday, getting rejected after completing a survey. It happened twice today, combined total of my wasted time 40 to 50 minutes. . I don't know if it is the panel or the survey provider who is most responsible for this but it seems to happen a lot with Swagbucks. I don't think there is anything that ticks off a survey taker more than this, it is blatantly unfair and dishonest. Reject me if you will but do it near the beginning of the survey or at least in the first third of it. I don't even bother to complain to customer service any longer because that usually winds up wasting even more of my time. Just needed to vent, I know you all experience this. My reaction is always the same....rage at who or whatever is responsible for this. Hey survey providers and panels, do you want your survey takers feeling that way about you. I bet you don't even care.
    1 point
  7. Generations are an important market group, and I get this quite a bit. Your marginalization by Survey Junkie was quite frequent. After 1,800 surveys they still treated me like a PoS. So, I took my ball and found someone else to play. Since these so-called panels don't create any content, your likely to get the same surveys at another panel that fields other surveys. There are panels like IPSOS, Pinecone and Tellwut (for their parent company Paradigm), actually author surveys and have a bit higher level of support.
    1 point
  8. I've had that happen so many times. Yesterday I completed a survey that took at least 15 minutes and when I got to the end it said something like "You're all done! Thank you for participating." I clicked the "Finish" button, only to be kicked out of the survey and told "this survey filled up." I was awarded a couple of points for my trouble but it seems obvious that they're getting free info from me when that happens. I was so disgusted because I figured I had it in the bag and then at the very end... "Oops, sorry, you're not getting compensated. Thanks for all the free info." UGH. And it wasn't as if they had me answering demographics questions at the end, I just got kicked out without compensation after finishing the survey. I wish I could remember the survey company... it might have been Toluna but I'm not sure of that. I'll have to pay more attention from now on.
    0 points
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