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Showing content with the highest reputation since 07/19/2024 in all areas

  1. IMHO.....I think that the liars that do that want your opinion, and then do not want to pay you for your time & work.
    2 points
  2. I got the axe last year from Crowdtap. It was good while it lasted. I think I was only able to cash out five times.
    2 points
  3. I just did a survey about sports that was worth 50 points. I told them that I had zero interest in sports, and they wanted to know what percentage of the 0 interest fell into each of several categories.
    2 points
  4. Lately when I receive an email that a "Trait survey" is available, and I click on the link to begin, I receive first set of questions, but instead of being paid afterwards, their website reverts right back to the EXACT same set of questions again. Meaning, I have to answer SAME set of survey questions twice in a row before credit is given. I really hope they get their act together. I never had any issues with them before they revamped their website.
    2 points
  5. Done! Went a few points over and cashed out just fine for a $25 Amazon GC.
    2 points
  6. This has ALWAYS been a problem, but it seems to me it is so much worse now. I just took 4 surveys in a row, wasted an hour of time and got that message " Sorry, you do not qualify for this survey" after successfully completing the survey. This was on three different sites too. Are you running into this more and more often as I am? VERY FRUSTRATING and a total rip off to boot!
    1 point
  7. As long as they get the info THEY want.. notice most of the time, that is in the beginning..
    1 point
  8. People are more savvy taking surveys than they used to be and they won't put up with crap long before quitting a site. Sites shouldn't be kicking anybody off because they should be having a harder time keeping people.
    1 point
  9. I just finished a survey on where I shopped, what kind of things I bought, and how much I spent during the last week. The last five times I've done it, it waits until the end to disqualify me. I'm not doing that one again, and I used to like it. I don't know what the problem is.
    1 point
  10. Just joined Prime Opinion 8 days ago. Noticed that the leaderboard reset early this morning and within 2 hours there were users with hundreds of points. Seems questionable as my points reset as well and after a couple of hours doing surveys , I only had 84 points.
    1 point
  11. i just had that happen to me on 4 surveys today. i believe it is a lot to do with the timing of the survey. on some sites, they say how long the survey should take and if you finish before that time, you will get disqualified. there was one today that said it should take 15 minutes. i was laboriously slow, and it only took me 10, i got a thank you for taking our survey and then i was disqualified.
    1 point
  12. I have given up contacting customer service as it is a big waste of time, as you said. I've never gotten any partial credit and often I don't even get a response at all. Not worth keeping track of and wasting even more time. I KNOW that is what these sites want you to do, NOT contact them and NOT keep track so that they can get away with these cheating behaviors over and over again. Guess I am falling into their trap but I truly have had it with their excuses, non-responses, and total lies. Sorry, it's been a long day and I am tired and disgusted. You are so correct about spelling errors.as well as off-topic questions. I was attempting to take a survey on soft drinks today and they started asking me about what kind of car I drove! Talk about off-topic!! =====
    1 point
  13. With Oneopinion closing , what are some good sites that do not require that the user has a mobile phone? Tried Prime Opinion , but on day 2 was required to enter a mobile phone number and I only have a landline one. Currently with Paidviewpoint , Lifepoints , Mypoints , SurveySavvy , and ACOP.
    1 point
  14. Looks like I'm all set at prime Opinion. No further issues.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. I have seen a lot of negative comments on there Facebook page I use there site and I do well so far but you never can tell as with any of these sites I could be next to get the axe
    1 point
  17. I will be sure to stay away from that dump. I guess that they're nothing more than a pack of double talking grifters.
    1 point
  18. I also received this email this past week (I don't remember what day). Probably a political survey that didn't agree with my answers. lol.
    1 point
  19. Thanks , but Crowdtap appears to be only for smartphone and Qmee requires installing a browser extension. What I am looking for is a site that pays and does not require a smartphone to use it or for verification.
    1 point
  20. That is really strange. But surely a good thing!
    1 point
  21. I got those from time to time. I simply ignore the bumblers PERMANENTLY.
    1 point
  22. Just like peach6, I gave up on them a few years back as there were always problems galore.
    1 point
  23. I find this totally disgusting and reprehensible! But I have had this happen to me with Branded before. AND it is is only high-paying surveys of 105 points or more. THAT makes me suspicious. Yup, no way to defend ourselves, no way to find out what they supposedly think we did. Of course for me, Lifepoints takes the cake in pathetic behavior. They kick yo out when you cash out so that they can keep your hard-earned cash, NEVER tell you what you supposedly did, and there is not a thing you can do.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. I quit them some time ago to many issues
    1 point
  26. I.have also done that beverage survey before but mostly pass on it now it's to time consuming and not worth the points
    1 point
  27. I've done that beverage survey before, and it was a nightmare! It's popped up a few times again since, and I always close it out immediately.
    1 point
  28. I just got a lot of surveys from Lifepoints, but six of them were closed. I got one that was only worth 50 points, but I completed in five minutes. I had another 100 point survey, and I had a 150 point survey that probably took me an hour to complete that was about beverages, and asked what I consumed and when and how much and why. It was very frustrating. Did anybody else get that one? They mentioned coffee, milk, sparkling water, regular water and a few other drinks.
    1 point
  29. How dumb. Very few nine-year-olds watch or read the news or care about such topics. They might like a political candidate because that's who their parents are voting for. But if those guys want to waste their money...
    1 point
  30. 250 points to go and I'm done.
    1 point
  31. Yes they are
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Paid Viewpoint seems to be one of the lonely few survey sites that is legit and doesn't cheat people. I think they're the best of all the sites.
    1 point
  34. I joined Paid Viewpoint a few months ago, and I cashed out for $50 a few weeks ago, and I already have an additional $17 in my account. The only thing with them is that some of the surveys you only get $.10, but your trait score gets raised. My trait score is currently 8,200, and I need to get it up to 10,000 before I start getting better paid surveys. I did get one a few days ago for $5 though. You never get DQ by them, but you have to check their website multiple times during the day. If you don't you lose out on a lot of surveys that are closed by the time you click on the email from them. I also like Forthright too. Don't waste your time with their partner surveys though. Their surveys are interesting, and they pay at least $1 per survey, and most of them pay at least $1.50. Those two are my current favorite ones. I used to belong to Inbox Dollars, and I dumped them because I was getting too many $.25 surveys.
    1 point
  35. Several times after I have completed a rather long survey with Branded, it indicates that during the time I was completing the survey they had reached their maximum number of participants. It is frustrating, but I can understand this happening. Just another small annoyance!
    1 point
  36. What gets me is it is only the larger point surveys that are rejected. I think it's truly a scam.
    1 point
  37. I just joined Crowdtap yesterday, hearing how great it was from someone online and that it is supposedly better than yougov. Well after filling out the lengthy pre-requisites and all the other garble they ask , I logged in today and have already been Disabled! WTH??? I hadn't even gotten my 1st survey... I answered all their interrogations honestly. I do not meet their 'quality mission' ' no longer elgible' Has anyone used this 'site'?
    0 points
  38. .........they did!!!!!! I just completed a survey about the upcoming presidential election put up by Panel Polls. Questions such as what you think about the candidates were asked. Another set of questions pertained to all the problems the the US faces right now, such as the economy, war, social issues, to name a few. And all of those questions were meant by the mutant or mutants that started that survey to be answered BY A CHILD!!!!!!! I rapidly cooked up a 9 year old daughter (in reality, I have no children), and answered as such. My question: Just how in the world do the charlatans that dreamed up that survey expect a 9 year old child to be knowledgeable to answer all the questions that I mentioned & also have the attention span to complete the survey!!!!!!????? That is all way, way beyond me!!!!!!!
    0 points
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