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MySurvey Product Test Never Arrived?


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Mine was milk chocolate also. I'm not sure what the strong taste was. I'm thinking it was whatever oil is used in or extracted from the chocolate. A really strong pungent taste is all I can think of to describe it.

The PT that closed on me with no warning was originally from OneOpinion with the follow up on another website. Since I missed the deadline I have had a hard time qualifying for surveys and that's not normal for me and OneOpinion. Hopefully I'm not being punished or something for not following through.

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Update to my original post:

It's now two days later and I still haven't received the mystery PT from My Survey. :x

I wrote My Survey back and asked if there was any way they could get a tracking number or find out if the package was supposedly delivered to anyone. I told them that I need to know if someone in my building got hold of it. I figured that if I at least knew that UPS/FedEx claimed that it was delivered, I could begin harassing my neighbors and apartment managers until someone 'fessed up about taking it! :lol:

My Survey wrote back and said that they have no way of knowing whether the product was sent via UPS or FedEx (which I don't believe). They said that since it was sent out from another location (I am guessing maybe Kantar or something, as I have received products from them in the past for My Survey), they don't have details. Again, I don't believe that. I think they could figure out the shipping info if they wanted to. They know which of their members receive which PTs.

My Survey then removed the follow-up survey about the PT from my home page, so even if the PT suddenly showed up I couldn't do the survey because they took the survey away. I purposely didn't even open that link yet because I wanted to wait a few days to see if the PT arrived, but it's gone now. I never even got to find out exactly what the PT was!

So, basically, I lost out on money (or "points") for this because either Kantar or whomever sent it to the wrong address anywhere in the U.S., or it possibly arrived at my building and some fool decided to hang onto it. My Survey's PTs have always gotten to the correct address before and I've never had an instance in which the box just didn't show up at all. I've had trouble with UPS or FedEx not wanting to bring the packages to me, and I've had trouble with managers not remembering to give me my packages right away, but the boxes have always arrived at the correct address.

My inclination is to think that someone in my building took the package for themselves, or accepted it and just 'forgot' to let me know. And the extra-frustrating thing is that -- since I don't know whether it was sent via UPS or FedEx -- I cannot contact either of those companies to unleash hell on them for ONCE AGAIN not bringing my package directly TO ME. They do not want to be on the receiving end of my angry phone call or email, believe me, but they will be spared because I don't know which one of those companies is to blame...just like I don't know which one of my co-tenants is secretly holding my PT! :evil:

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The thing that's remarkable here is that they actually answered your email.I mean god forbid that they should answer your complaint email about not being paid but they have no problem getting back to you on Pt's.The lack of respect for their members is very apparent!

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The thing that's remarkable here is that they actually answered your email.I mean god forbid that they should answer your complaint email about not being paid but they have no problem getting back to you on Pt's.The lack of respect for their members is very apparent!

That's interesting that you say that. I just emailed them that the last two surveys I completed went to an error page rerouting back to their site. That means no points into my account. Wonder when they'll answer me :roll: . I've just about had it with them. Problems started when I couldn't get into my account (I wasn't the only one at the time). Countless emails to them with no response I went the BBB route since they owed me money. Two days after BBB complaint they reactivated my account, saying there was never a problem??? Then I had to email for two weeks for a payment I didn't receive for 3 months. Now I can't get points for surveys I've done. I've been with them for a while with no problems but it's getting worse.

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The thing that's remarkable here is that they actually answered your email.I mean god forbid that they should answer your complaint email about not being paid but they have no problem getting back to you on Pt's.The lack of respect for their members is very apparent!

Very true. I know exactly what you mean. I have written to My Survey before about points not credited or surveys that had glitches mid-way through (for which I never got credit) and they have no problem either ignoring the email entirely, or issuing a generic, canned response.

In this case (what I started the thread about) I guess I can't really "blame" My Survey for the PT not getting here. It sounds like it's probably not their fault that I didn't get the mystery PT. And every other time they've sent a PT to me it has arrived at the correct building address, if not directly in my hands. I think this is a matter of UPS error, and the package being left in the wrong hands.

I DO think that the survey places should alert people if they are planning to send out PTs, with a rough idea of the delivery date.

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Four days later and still no mysurvey PT. I guess I can forget about it. :( The survey was already removed from my home page but I would still like to know what it was that was sent to me. I never found out.

I wouldn't feel so annoyed about this if I knew that Kantar (or whoever sent the PT out) accidentally sent it to someone who really needed it, or even sent it to another member of mysurvey by mistake. That would be okay. What annoys me is that I just know -- though I can't prove it -- in my heart of hearts that UPS' laziness and refusal to hand my packages to me is to blame, and that they must have given my PT to someone else in my building...who didn't give it to me. And that person is, for all intents and purposes, taking money out of my pocket -- which doesn't make me happy! :x The person probably saw the package and figured that it was something I ordered and that it could easily be re-ordered, unaware that mysurvey will not re-send PTs.

How weird is it that I want to go and look in our recycle bins for evidence of any boxes addressed to me? :lol::lol:

If it sounds far-fetched that someone in my building would just blatantly keep a package clearly addressed to me, keep in mind that not long ago the managers said that another tenant's package had been opened and rummaged through by someone in this building.

And keep in mind that when I put out bags of food to be taken to food banks in the "Stamp Out Hunger" program/food drive that the Post Office runs every year, someone in this building actually removed items from the bags!! That food was for charity, to be brought to a food bank by the postman, and some evil idiot in my building rummaged through the bag and took out some of the items!!! :x So, as you can see, people are not above doing bad things for their own benefit in my building!

Anyway, the good news (I must find a silver lining on the cloud) is that I just won a $50 Amazon gift card from hearwatchsay!!! :D Just last week I won a $25 Amazon GC from Smile and Say It, so I was shocked to see the winner notification from HWS this morning! (I won $25 from HWS last year too.) And it was mainly because I posted a comment about how Fox needs to cancel American Idol, and another comment about how the movie theater experience can be improved! I think I also posted about the summer shows I am looking forward to (such as Breaking Bad).

So, while some bad person has my mysurvey PT thanks to UPS, at least something good happened for me this week!

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Congrats to you on the win. I am part of the Smile and Say It. I spend a bit on time on there and get nothing in return. I am getting kind of uppity and refusing to do sweeps surveys. But I am glad someone gets reimbursed for their time. :D

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Congrats to you on the win. I am part of the Smile and Say It. I spend a bit on time on there and get nothing in return. I am getting kind of uppity and refusing to do sweeps surveys. But I am glad someone gets reimbursed for their time. :D


I never win sweeps from surveys either. All of these wins (both last year and this year) from hearwatchsay and Smile and Say It were due to my specific posts and participation as opposed to doing any surveys, although they do have the sweeps too. These particular winners (like the ones who also won what I won) are hand-picked by the moderators, not picked at random like in a sweeps.

And I haven't even participated much at all in hearwatchsay or on SASI. I just swoop in every so often and post in a thread. If I were winning actual sweeps I doubt I would have won from HWS both last year and this year, and from SASI too! They base their winners of the week/month on who contributed quality commentary. I don't even do those surveys half the time! It's all about the commentary!

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