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Question for Opinion Outpost old-timers


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OO always pays instantly.. never had a problem with them.. and you can cash out without charge as often as you want for an AMazon $5 card.. sites like Valued Opinions charge you to cash out..

I just got another Amazon $5 code from OO, almost instantly! I am fast becoming a big fangirl.

There are sites that charge you to pay you? Here is my face: :shock:

I can't imagine any company making employees pay for their paycheck. I know, we aren't employees, but still. That's appalling.

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I have been with OO for about 5 years and have never experienced any problems, If I don't qualify for a survey I know within a few seconds, I also log in several times a day to check for any available surveys, I have found a lot that I was never sent an invite for , you may want to also try that.

I saw your post about cashing in and how quickly you received your gift card, I agree they are awesome, I also like Tellwut, the points really add up fast, sadly they do not have PayPal but do have amazon and I have been with them a long time and they are great at sending your gift card, another is Your Word,it is super fast to be able to redeem for an Amazon gift card, even if you don't qualify for a survey you still get between 10 and 25 cents, not bad and you know quickly if you don't qualify.

Pinecone is another awesome one!

I deleted Global Test Market a couple years ago , to many surveys that I would spend 10 minutes on and screen out.

I know I added more than about OO, just wanting to help !

TOL = Tons of Love! A Positive saying I created in these trying times, Pass it on if you like it!

TOL! Gloria

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I've had quite a few of those "this survey has enough respondents" BS with OO and it's sister site, Survey Spot. Most of the time they grant the points, but lately I've noticed that they want to wait until the survey has run it's course, which is more BS. They have a record of how much time you spent on it, and probably a record of what page you were on when they canned you. So waiting until the survey closes seems like they're hoping you forget about it...sometimes it takes 2 weeks. But...both OO and SS pay instantaneously, and for me, that's a huge plus. After all, the main reason we're all doing this crap is to get paid, and as quickly as possible. I'd rather get PO'd occasionally but be paid as soon as I cash out, as opposed to never having a problem on a site until you try to get the money out, and THEN have non-stop hoops to jump through, or be charged to get your money, or wait for months.

But having the survey close while you're doing it is utter nonsense. If you qualified for it, you should be given the chance to complete it...AND BE PAID! At the very least, they could prorate your "reward" according to where you were when they slammed the door. That could all be negotiated with the client before the survey goes up on the site. I don't know if that would be a matter that the BBB would be interested in, but maybe if enough people threatened to go to the BBB over this obviously shady practice, they might change their ways.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I ask you, OO old-timers, is that how it works? I do a lot of surveys and they tell you the survey is closed (or that you've screened out) before you start. Not after you've given them half an hour of your time and they've thanked you for it!

That happens quit a bit anymore. IMHO, Opinion Outpost is not as good as it used to be.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been with them for over 2 years. Used to be my go-to site, but lately I'm feeling that they are just plain dishonest! About 30% of the time, after I have fully completed a survey, instead of going to the RSQ page and getting points, I get the "this survey is closed " page. I always write and tell them the problem and survey #, and they always send me a "canned" response about it taking two to 4 weeks for them to decide IF I have taken the survey. I rarely get the points promised. For a while, I thought they were experience technical difficulties, but after several months of this, I think that they are just plain dishonest. I'm actually considering contacting the CEO of Survey Sampling to see if he knows how Opinion Outpost is "tanking" as a panel. Suggestions anyone?

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