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what annoys you most with surveys?


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For me its two things

1) getting 20 minutes into a survey then getting kicked out

2) trying do 20 surveys before it finally lets you do 1 (ive try bunch global test market yet to get do 1 lol)

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Surveys that force you to lie, either because they're asking you a question you have no idea what the answer is (in either the "which company does this slogan you've never heard before belong to" flavor, or the "down to the exact digit, exactly how many times have you done this common activity in the past 6 months?" flavor), or because you do know what the answer is, and it's not one of the available choices, with no "none of the above" (i.e. "what car do you drive? Toyota, Mazda or Lexus? There aren't any car manufacturers other than those three, are there?")

If it's just a single question, I just lie, cause screw them. I just got one, though, where I was forced to just exit in the middle, because it just kept going, where it had apparently never heard of open jaw flights. It asked me which airports I've used, then started asking me detailed questions about my departure from an airport I've never departed from (I've arrived there, but departed from elsewhere.) Hatred.

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Thats actually funny i do the same. I love when they have ones to that say must make 100 thou a year if i made that i prob wouldnt be doing surveys lol

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When Global Test Market wastes my time by offering me a survey for a sweepstakes.

The survey "In Context" which brings you to a supermarket...never loads and when it does, froze my screen.

The survey that asks about Nivea that never goes any further, disqualifies.

Any survey in which you get 20 minutes into it and then are presented with a page with hundreds of boxes. They think we got this far, we're not going to give up. Really unethical and MEAN on their part.

Most JD Power telephone surveys that go on forever.

The surveys that ask if you purchased certain items and if you actually list 10, you will get 20 minutes of questions for each one (washing machines, etc...you have probably gotten that one). I learned just to say I bought a radio and a microwave oven.

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Same here for the InContext one with the virtual supermarket. I have gotten it several times on each of several sites and it never loads. Have allowed it 20 minutes and there is nothing.

Those that get sent from mysurvey that are at JDPoweronline.com. They always come up with "site not found".

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you do know what the answer is, and it's not one of the available choices, with no "none of the above" (i.e. "what car do you drive? Toyota, Mazda or Lexus? There aren't any car manufacturers other than those three, are there?")

Oh hey, look, it's exactly that: one where it asks me what kind of cars are in our household... it did have Toyota, but the model isn't in the dropdown and there's no Other. I said we owned a Corolla. (We don't own a Corolla. :() (Plus side, I figured I'd be screened out anyway; car surveys always want people with newer cars and/or who are planning on purchasing cars soon, neither of which are us.)

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Oh boy! Can I ever answer this one! I am very annoyed with surveys sites that will give you x amount of points for being disqualified. But half the time, even when you are dq'd, the darned thing just keeps asking the same questions over an over instead of routing me back to the site so I can get my points. Myview, Yourword are two of them.

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Agreed those tick me off, then the ones where you know you don't qualify and they continue to ask you questions.

THIS. That's why I always dread when OO gives me Marc Online surveys. You always know you'll get nothing when they say, "thanks, we have all the information we need on this topic. Here are some more questions" or something similar. Don't know why they're trying to sucker the non-qualifiers into answering more questions.

There's quite a few more pet peeves that I can think of:

A survey that opens up in a new window, like Pinecone does. I hate having to go from the tabs in my first window to the new one that just opened when I'm doing surveys.

Surveys that won't redirect after they tell you that you didn't qualify. You'd think all of them would have this down by now.

Endless 1-to-10 scale grids of a dozen or so different brands, when they make you evaluate their attributes. Especially annoying is when some of those brands show up that you know nothing about, even if you told them so on previous questions.

Surveys where they have you type in all of the brands you have ever heard of, only to have a list of brands on the next page to choose from.

Getting an invite for, say, a 15-minute survey, then you enter the actual survey and they tell you it's 25 minutes long.

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A survey that opens up in a new window, like Pinecone does. I hate having to go from the tabs in my first window to the new one that just opened when I'm doing surveys.

This one is annoying. However, the Pinecone one specifically, at least, I do specifically recall that it's implemented in such a way that you can click to open the stupid new window, then pop back to your main window, open a new tab, copy-paste the url of the window that got opened into it, and everything will still work. :) (That bugged me too.)

Surveys where they have you type in all of the brands you have ever heard of, only to have a list of brands on the next page to choose from.

This one I'm ok with, as I've always just assumed that they're actually doing something with the data. After all, it is inarguably different information whether you can say that, yes, you know a specific brand's existence when prompted, vs. remembering that the brand exists when just asked to name brands.

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Another one I hate are the ones where they show you a video (night traffic with a figure that looks to be crude oil) and then never use any video in the survey. Why waste the time?? I get at least 5-6 of those weekly on mysurvey alone!

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Ugh, mysurvey. They have some of the most irritating surveys for all of the reasons already described, so I quit their site over a year ago. Still doesn't stop all of the other sites giving me surveys from them, though! :evil:

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